अकारादिक्षकारान्तवर्णजातकलेवरम् । विकलेवरकैवल्यं रामचन्द्रपदं भजे ॥ ॐ वाङ्मे मनसि प्रतिष्ठिता मनो मे वाचि प्रतिष्ठितमाविरावीर्म एधि ॥ वेदस्य म आणीस्थः श्रुतं मे मा प्रहासीरनेनाधीतेनारात्रा- न्सन्दधाम्यृतं वदिष्यामि सत्यं वदिष्यामि ॥ तन्मामवतु तद्वक्तारमवतु अवतु मामवतु वक्तारमवतु वक्तारम् ॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥ हरिः ॐ । अथ प्रजापतिर्गुहं पप्रच्छ भो ब्रह्मन्नक्षमालाभेदविधिं ब्रूहीति । सा किं लक्षणा कति भेदा अस्याः कति सूत्राणि कथं घटनाप्रकारः के वर्णाः का प्रतिष्ठा कैषाधिदेवता किं फलं चेति । तं गुहः प्रत्युवाच प्रवालमौक्तिकस्फटिकशङ्ख- रजताष्टापदचन्दनपुत्रजीविकाब्जे रुद्राक्षा इति । आदिक्षान्तमूर्तिः सावधानभावा । सौवर्णं राजतं ताम्रं तन्मुखे मुखं तत्पुच्छे पुच्छं तदन्तरावर्तनक्रमेण योजयेत् । यदस्यान्तरं सूत्रं तद्ब्रह्म । यद्दक्षपार्श्वे तच्छैवम् । यद्वामे तद्वैष्णवम् । यन्मुखं सा सरस्वती । यत्पुच्छं सा गायत्री । यत्सुषिरं सा विद्या । या ग्रन्थिः सा प्रकृतिः । ये स्वरास्ते धवलाः । ये स्पर्शास्ते पीताः । ये परास्ते रक्ताः । अथ तां पञ्चभिर्गन्धैरमृतैः पञ्चभिर्गव्यैस्तनुभिः शोधयित्वा पञ्चभिर्गव्यैर्गन्धोदकेन संस्राप्य तस्मात्सोङ्कारेण पत्रकूर्चेन स्नपयित्वा- ष्टभिर्गन्धैरालिप्य सुमनःस्थले निवेश्याक्षतपुष्पैराराध्य प्रत्यक्ष- मादिक्षान्तैर्वर्णैर्भावयेत् । ओमङ्कार मृत्युञ्जय सर्वव्यापक प्रथमेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ओमाङ्काराकर्षणात्मकसर्वगत द्वितीयेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ओमिङ्कारपुष्टिदाक्षोभकर तृतीयेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ओमीङ्कार वाक्प्रसादकर निर्मल चतुर्थेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ओमुङ्कार सर्वबलप्रद सारतर पञ्चमेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ओमूङ्कारोच्चाटन दुःसह षष्ठेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ओमृङ्काकार संक्षोभकर चञ्चल सप्तमेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ओमॄङ्कार संमोहनकरोजवलाष्टमेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ओम्लृङ्कारविद्वेषणकर मोहक नवमेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ओम्लॄङ्कार मोहकर दशमेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ओमेङ्कार सर्ववश्यकर शुद्धसत्त्वैकादशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ओमैङ्कार शुद्धसात्त्विक पुरुषवश्यकर द्वादशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ओमोङ्काराखिलवाङ्मय नित्यशुद्ध त्रयोदशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ओमौङ्कार सर्ववाङ्मय वश्यकर चतुर्दशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ओमङ्कार गजादिवश्यकर मोहन पञ्चदशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ओमःकार मृत्युनाशनकर रौद्र षोडशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ कङ्कार सर्वविषहर कल्याणद सप्तदशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ खङ्कार सर्वक्षोभकर व्यापकाष्टादशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ गङ्कार सर्वविघ्नशमन महत्तरैकोनविंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ घङ्कार सौभाग्यद स्तम्भनकर विंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ ङकार सर्वविषनाशकरोग्रैकविंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ चङ्काराभिचारघ्न क्रूर द्वाविंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ छङ्कार भूतनाशकर भीषण त्रयोविंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ जङ्कार कृत्यादिनाशकर दुर्धर्ष चतुर्विंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ झङ्कार भूतनाशकर पञ्चविंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ ञकार मृत्युप्रमथन षड्विंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ टङ्कार सर्वव्याधिहर सुभग सप्तविंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ ठङ्कार चन्द्ररूपाष्टाविंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ डङ्कार गरुडात्मक विषघ्न शोभनैकोनत्रिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ ढङ्कार सर्वसंपत्प्रद सुभग त्रिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ णङ्कार सर्वसिद्धिप्रद मोहकरैकत्रिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ तङ्कार धनधान्यादिसंपत्प्रद प्रसन्न द्वात्रिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ थङ्कार धर्मप्राप्तिकर निर्मल त्रयस्त्रिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ दङ्कार पुष्टिवृद्धिकर प्रियदर्शन चतुस्त्रिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ धङ्कार विषज्वरनिघ्न विपुल पञ्चत्रिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ नङ्कार भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रद शान्त षट्त्रिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ पङ्कार विषविघ्ननाशन भव्य सप्तत्रिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ फङ्काराणिमादिसिद्धिप्रद ज्योतीरूपाष्टत्रिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ बङ्कार सर्वदोषहर शोभनैकोनचत्वारिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ भङ्कार भूतप्रशान्तिकर भयानक चत्वारिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ मङ्कार विद्वेषिमोहनकरैकचत्वारिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ यङ्कार सर्वव्यापक पावन द्विचत्वारिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ रङ्कार दाहकर विकृत त्रिचत्वारिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ लङ्कार विश्वंभर भासुर चतुश्चत्वारिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ वङ्कार सर्वाप्यायनकर निर्मल पञ्चचत्वारिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ शङ्कार सर्वफलप्रद पवित्र षट्चत्वारिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ षङ्कार धर्मार्थकामद धवल सप्तचत्वारिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ सङ्कार सर्वकारण सार्ववर्णिकाष्टचत्वारिंशेऽक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ हङ्कार सर्ववाङ्मय निर्मलैकोनपञ्चाशदक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ ळङ्कार सर्वशक्तिप्रद प्रधान पञ्चाशदक्षे प्रतितिष्ठ । ॐ क्षङ्कार परापरतत्त्वज्ञापक परंज्योतीरूप शिखामणौ प्रतितिष्ठ । अथोवाच ये देवाः पृथिवीपदस्तेभ्यो नमो भगवन्तोऽनुमदन्तु शोभायै पितरोऽनुमदन्तु शोभायै ज्ञानमयीमक्षमालिकाम् । अथोवाच ये देवा अन्तरिक्षसदस्तेभ्यः ॐ नमो भगवन्तोऽनुमदन्तु शोभायै पितरोऽनुमदन्तु शोभायैज्ञानमयीमक्षमालिकाम् । अथोवाच ये देवा दिविषदस्तेभ्यो नमो भगवन्तोऽनुमदन्तु शोभायै पितरोऽनुमदन्तु शोभायै ज्ञानमयीमक्षमालिकाम् । अथोवाच ये मन्त्रा या विद्यास्तेभ्यो नमस्ताभ्यश्चोन्नमस्तच्छक्तिरस्याः प्रतिष्ठापयति । अथोवाच ये ब्रह्मविष्णुरुद्रास्तेभ्यः सगुणेभ्य ॐ नमस्तद्वीर्यमस्याः प्रतिष्ठापयति । अथोवाच ये साङ्ख्यादितत्त्वभेदास्तेभ्यो नमो वर्तध्वं विरोधेऽनुवर्तध्वम् । अथोवाच ये शैवा वैष्णवाः शाक्ताः शतसहस्रशस्तेभ्यो नमोनमो भगवन्तोऽ- नुमदन्त्वनुगृह्णन्तु । अथोवाच याश्च मृत्योः प्राणवत्यस्ताभ्यो नमोनमस्तेनैतं मृडयत मृडयत । पुनरेतस्यां सर्वात्मकत्वं भावयित्वा भावेन पूर्वमालिकामुत्पाद्यारभ्य तन्मयीं महोपहारैरुपहृत्य आदिक्षान्तैरक्षरैरक्ष- मालामष्टोत्तरशतं स्पृशेत् । अथ पुनरुत्थाप्य प्रदक्षिणीकृत्यों नमस्ते भगवति मन्त्रमातृकेऽक्षमाले सर्ववशङ्कर्योंनमस्ते भगवति मन्त्रमातृकेऽ- क्षमालिके शेषस्तम्भिन्योंनमस्ते भगवति मन्त्रमातृकेऽक्षमाले उच्चाटन्योंनमस्ते भगवति मन्त्रमातृकेऽक्षमाले विश्वामृत्यो मृत्युञ्जयस्वरूपिणि सकललोकोद्दीपिनि सकललोक- रक्षाधिके सकललोकोज्जीविके सकललोकोत्पादिके दिवाप्रवर्तिके रात्रिप्रवर्तिके नद्यन्तरं यासि देशान्तरं यासि द्वीपान्तरं यासि लोकान्तरं यासि सर्वदा स्फुरसि सर्वहृदि वाससि । नमस्ते परारूपे नमस्ते पश्यन्तीरूपे नमस्ते मध्यमारूपे नमस्ते वैखरीरूपे सर्वतत्त्वात्मिके सर्वविद्यात्मिके सर्वशक्त्यात्मिके सर्वदेवात्मिके वसिष्ठेन मुनिनाराधिते विश्वामित्रेण मुनिनोपजीव्यमाने नमस्ते नमस्ते । प्रातरधीयानो रात्रिकृतं पापं नाशयति । सायमधीयानो दिवसकृतं पापं नाशयति । तत्सायंप्रातः प्रयुञ्जानः पापोऽपापोभवति । एवमक्षमालिकया जप्तो मन्त्रः सद्यः सिद्धिकरो भवतीत्याह भगवान्गुहः प्रजापतिमित्युपनिअषत् ॥ ॐ वाङ् मे मनसि प्रतिष्ठिता मनो मे वाचि प्रतिष्ठितमाविरावीर्म एधि ॥ वेदस्य म आणीस्थः श्रुतं मे मा प्रहासीरनेनाधीतेनाहोरात्रा- न्सन्दधाम्यृतं वदिष्यामि सत्यं वदिष्यामि । तन्मामवतु तद्वक्तारमवतु अवतु मामवतु वक्तारमवतु वक्तारम् ॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥ हरिः ॐ तत्सत् ॥ इत्यक्षमालिकोपनिषत्समाप्ता ॥
Om ! May my speech be based on (i.e. accord with) the mind; May my mind be based on speech. O Self-effulgent One, reveal Thyself to me. May you both (speech and mind) be the carriers of the Veda to me. May not all that I have heard depart from me. I shall join together (i.e. obliterate the difference of) day And night through this study. I shall utter what is verbally true; I shall utter what is mentally true. May that (Brahman) protect me; May That protect the speaker (i.e. the teacher), may That protect me; May that protect the speaker – may That protect the speaker. Om ! Let there be Peace in me ! Let there be Peace in my environment ! Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me ! 1. Then the Prajapàti (Creator) asked Guha: “Oh Sir, (please) tell me the rules regarding the rosary of beads. What is its characteristic ? How many varieties of rosaries are there ? How many threads (does a rosary) contain ? How should it be made ? What are its colours ? How is it consecrated ? Who is its presiding deity ? And what is the benefit (of using it) ?” 2. Guha replied: “(It is made of any one of the following 10 materials) Coral, Pearl, Crystal, Conch, Silver, Gold, Sandal, Putra-Jìvikà, Lotus or Rudràksha. Each head must be devoted and thought of as presided over by the deities of Akàra to Kshakàra. Golden thread should bind the beads through the holes. On its right silver (caps) and left copper. The face of a bead should face, the face of another head and tail, the tail. Thus a circular formation must be made. 3. The internal thread must be thought of as Brahma (the Supreme Being). The right side silver cap must be considered to be the place of Shiva and Copper caps belonging to Vishnu. The face must be thought of as Sarasvati and the tail as Gayatri. The hole is Knowledge. The knot must be thought of as nature. The Beads representing vowels must be white (since they represent Sàttvika Guna). Those which represent mutes-consonants must be yellowish (since they are the result of mixture of Sattva and Tamas). The balance must be red in complexion (since they are Ràjasic). 4. Then (after thus meditating the presiding deities in different part of the rosary) bathe it (or clean it) in the milk got from 5 types of cows (like Nanda); and then in Pancha-gavya (a sanctified liquid prepared from the cow-dung, cow’s urine, ghee, curd and milk) and darbha grass immersed in water and then in the individual Pancha-gavya (in the aforesaid 5 things separately) and in sandal water. Then sprinkle water with darbha grass uttering Omkàra. Besmear it with eight fragrant (pastes) of eight (sweet-smelling substances like Sandal, Kasturi etc.,). Place it on flowers. Meditate (all) the letters in the rosary (or each letter in each bead). 5. Om Aëkàra, the conqueror of death, Omnipresent, be established in the 1st head ! Om Àëkàra, He who of the nature of attracting, found everywhere, be established in the 2nd head ! Om Iëkàra, the giver of wealth and firmness, be established in the 3rd head ! Om Ìëkàra, the maker of clarity in speech and clear One, be established in the 4th head! Om Uëkàra, the giver of strength, the essence of everything, be established in the 5th head! Om Ùëkàra, One who drives away evil spirits, the intolerable, be established in the 6th head ! Om Äëkàra, One who disturbs the (the dis-order), the moving One, be established in the 7th head ! Om Íëkàra, the deluding one, the effulgent and shining, be established in the 8th head! Om Îëkàra, the hater, the devourer of everything else (or one who conceals everything), be established in the 9th head ! Om Îëkàra, the deluding one, be established in the 10th head ! Om Eëkàra, One who attracts everyone, Suddha-sattva, be established in the 11th head! Om Aiëkàra, the Pure and Noble (Suddha-sattvika), attracting human beings, be established in the 12th head ! Om Oëkàra, the (base) of entire speech, eternally pure, be established in the 13th head ! Om Auëkàra, of the nature of speech, capable of attracting the peaceful, be established in the 14th head ! Om Aëkàra, capable of attracting elephants etc., attracting, be established in the 15th head! Om Aãkàra, capable of destroying death terrible, be established in the 16th head ! Om Kaëkàra, the remover of all poison, giver of auspiciousness, be established in the 17th head ! Om Khaëkàra, the tormentor (or disturber) spreading everywhere, be established in the 18th head ! Om Gaëkàra, He who puts dows all obstacles, the greatest, be established in the 19th head ! Om Ghaëkàra, the giver of ………. (sanbhasya), stupefier, be established in the 20th head! Om Ñaëkàra, the destroyer of all poisons, the sharp, be established in the 21st head ! Om Caëkàra, the destroyer of ……… (abhichara), cruel, be established in the 22nd head ! Om Chaëkàra, the destroyer of goblins, terrifying, be established in the 23rd head ! Om Jaëkàra, the destroyer of …….. (krityas – abhichara), unstoppable, be established in the 24th head ! Om Jhaëkàra, the destroyer of ……. (bhutas), be established in the 25th head ! Om Ñaëkàra, the churner of ……… (mrityu), be established in the 26th head ! Om Âaëkàra, the remover of all diseases, the good One, be established in the 27th head ! Om Âhaëkàra, of the nature of moon, be established in the 28th head ! Om Áaëkàra, the soul of Garuda, remover of poisons, be established in the 29th head ! Om Áhaëkàra, the giver of all wealth, the good One, be established in the 30th head ! Om Åaëkàra, the giver of all successes (siddhis), the deluder, be established in the 31st head ! Om Taëkàra, the giver of wealth and grains, who pleases one, be established in the 32nd head! Om Thaëkàra, One who yokes with dharma, faultless one, be established in the 33rd head! Om Daëkàra, the developer of growth, with pleasing looks, be established in the 34th head! Om Dhaëkàra, the destroyer of mundane suffering (visajvara), the expansive One, be established in the 35th head ! Om Naëkàra, the giver of enjoyment and liberation, the peaceful One, be established in the 36th head ! Om Paëkàra, the destroyer of poison and obstructions, the Evolved One, be established in the 37th head ! Om Phaëkàra, the giver of eight siddhis, like atomic form, taking capacity, the effulgent nature etc., be established in the 38th head! Om Baëkàra, the remover of all defects, the auspicious One, be established in the 39th head ! Om Bhaëkàra, One who quietens the goblins, the terrifying One, be established in the 40th head ! Om Maëkàra, the deluder of haters, be established in the 41st head ! Om Yaëkàra, the Omnipresent, the purifier, be established in the 42nd head ! Om Raëkàra, the burning One, the odd shaped, be established in the 43rd head ! Om Laëkàra, the hearer of the world, the effulgent, be established in the 44th head ! Om Vaëkàra, the all-pervading One, the noblest One, be established in the 45th head ! Om Éaëkàra, the giver of all results, the sanctifier, be established in the 46th head ! Om Çaëkàra, the giver of righteousness, wealth and pleasure, ……….., be established in the 47th head ! Om Saëkàra, the cause of everything, the undercurrent of all letters, be established in the 48th head ! Om Haëkàra, the base of all speech, the pure One, be established in the 49th head ! Om Laëkàra, the giver of all power, the Supreme One, be established in the 50th head ! Om Kçaëkàra, the One who instructs on the main and subsidiary categories of the world, of the nature of Supreme effulgence, be firmly established in the crest gem ! Mrityu not only means death but carelessness, non-alertness consequent swerving from the path of spirituality. Hence ajnana, nescience and the bodily perils like hunger etc., too are referred to as Mrityu. Such invocation of sacred syllables (avahana), their spirits and the deity who confers a particular boon and of the nature of a particular form must be invoked in the first head – right of central head. Invocation must be done circularly and end in crest jewel. 6. Then one must say: “Salutations to those gods who are on and move about in earth ! Be firmly established in this rosary and bless us and forefathers too after getting established in Aksha-malika permit us for auspiciousness and good !” 7. Then one must say: “Salutations to those gods who are in and move about in atmosphere! Be firmly established in this rosary and bless us and forefathers too after getting established in Aksha-malika permit us for auspiciousness and good !” 8. Then one must say: “Salutations to those gods who are in and move about in heaven ! Be firmly established in this rosary and bless us and forefathers too after getting established in Aksha-malika permit us for auspiciousness and good !” 9. Then one must say: “Salutations to seven crore mantras and 64 arts” and invoke their powers in rosary. 10. Then one must say: “Salutations to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva” and invoke their powers in rosary. 11. Then one must say: “Salutations unto the 36 Tattvas (the fundamental categories)” and invoke the presence of the best Tattvas in it, praying to them to make the rosary capable of yielding the desired fruit like a divine-cow (Kamadhenu). 12. Then one must say: “Salutations unto Hundreds of Thousands of Saivites, Vaishnavites and Saktas (and seek their blessings and permission to use the rosary); be pleased and permit me to use”. 13. Then one must say: “Salutations unto the powers of Mrityu; Let you all make me happy, happy !” 14. Then meditating on the rosary as representing everything as the form of God, should start touching eastwards, feeling grateful to its help and touch the heads (beads) 108 times. 15. Then getting up, placing it (on flowers) circumambulating utter the following incantation: “Om, Oh goddess, salutations, mother of all mantras of the forms of letters, rosary of beads; He who attracts everyone, Salutations ! Oh goddess mantra matrike, rosary of beads, stupefier of everything, Salutations ! Oh goddess, the remover of Abhicharas, Salutations ! Oh goddess, eternal One, conqueror of nescience, the illuminator of everything, protector of the all world, life giver for all world, creator of everything, ordainer of the day, ordainer of the night, mover to the other rivers, mover to other places, mover to other islands, mover to other worlds, shining everywhere always, she who illumines all hearts ! Salutations to you of the form of Parà ! Salutations to you of the form of Paéyanti ! Salutations to you of the form of Madhyamà ! Salutations to you of the form of Vaikhari ! Salutations ! Salutations to you of the nature of all Tattvas, all knowledge, of the nature of all powers, of the nature of all good, worshipped by sage Vasistha, attended to by sage Visvamitra ! 16. If one studies this in morning, the sins of night are destroyed. If one studies this in evening twilight, sins done in day are destroyed. One who reads this both in the morning and evening, even if a sinner, becomes rid off sins. The mantras recited with rosary immediately gives benefits.” Thus said Guha to Prajapati. Thus ends the Upanishad. Om ! May my speech be based on (i.e. accord with) the mind; May my mind be based on speech. O Self-effulgent One, reveal Thyself to me. May you both (speech and mind) be the carriers of the Veda to me. May not all that I have heard depart from me. I shall join together (i.e. obliterate the difference of) day And night through this study. I shall utter what is verbally true; I shall utter what is mentally true. May that (Brahman) protect me; May That protect the speaker (i.e. the teacher), may That protect me; May that protect the speaker – may That protect the speaker. Om ! Let there be Peace in me ! Let there be Peace in my environment ! Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me ! Here ends the Aksha-Malikopanishad, as contained in the Rig-Veda.
akārādikṣakārāntavarṇajātakalevaram । vikalevarakaivalyaṃ rāmacandrapadaṃ bhaje ॥ oṃ vāṅme manasi pratiṣṭhitā mano me vāci pratiṣṭhitamāvirāvīrma edhi ॥ vedasya ma āṇīsthaḥ śrutaṃ me mā prahāsīranenādhītenārātrā- nsandadhāmyṛtaṃ vadiṣyāmi satyaṃ vadiṣyāmi ॥ tanmāmavatu tadvaktāramavatu avatu māmavatu vaktāramavatu vaktāram ॥ oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ॥ hariḥ oṃ । atha prajāpatirguhaṃ papraccha bho brahmannakṣamālābhedavidhiṃ brūhīti । sā kiṃ lakṣaṇā kati bhedā asyāḥ kati sūtrāṇi kathaṃ ghaṭanāprakāraḥ ke varṇāḥ kā pratiṣṭhā kaiṣādhidevatā kiṃ phalaṃ ceti । taṃ guhaḥ pratyuvāca pravālamauktikasphaṭikaśaṅkha- rajatāṣṭāpadacandanaputrajīvikābje rudrākṣā iti । ādikṣāntamūrtiḥ sāvadhānabhāvā । sauvarṇaṃ rājataṃ tāmraṃ tanmukhe mukhaṃ tatpucche pucchaṃ tadantarāvartanakrameṇa yojayet । yadasyāntaraṃ sūtraṃ tadbrahma । yaddakṣapārśve tacchaivam । yadvāme tadvaiṣṇavam । yanmukhaṃ sā sarasvatī । yatpucchaṃ sā gāyatrī । yatsuṣiraṃ sā vidyā । yā granthiḥ sā prakṛtiḥ । ye svarāste dhavalāḥ । ye sparśāste pītāḥ । ye parāste raktāḥ । atha tāṃ pañcabhirgandhairamṛtaiḥ pañcabhirgavyaistanubhiḥ śodhayitvā pañcabhirgavyairgandhodakena saṃsrāpya tasmātsoṅkāreṇa patrakūrcena snapayitvā- ṣṭabhirgandhairālipya sumanaḥsthale niveśyākṣatapuṣpairārādhya pratyakṣa- mādikṣāntairvarṇairbhāvayet । omaṅkāra mṛtyuñjaya sarvavyāpaka prathame'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । omāṅkārākarṣaṇātmakasarvagata dvitīye'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । omiṅkārapuṣṭidākṣobhakara tṛtīye'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । omīṅkāra vākprasādakara nirmala caturthe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । omuṅkāra sarvabalaprada sāratara pañcame'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । omūṅkāroccāṭana duḥsaha ṣaṣṭhe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । omṛṅkākāra saṃkṣobhakara cañcala saptame'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । omṝṅkāra saṃmohanakarojavalāṣṭame'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । omlṛṅkāravidveṣaṇakara mohaka navame'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । omlṝṅkāra mohakara daśame'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । omeṅkāra sarvavaśyakara śuddhasattvaikādaśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । omaiṅkāra śuddhasāttvika puruṣavaśyakara dvādaśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । omoṅkārākhilavāṅmaya nityaśuddha trayodaśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । omauṅkāra sarvavāṅmaya vaśyakara caturdaśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । omaṅkāra gajādivaśyakara mohana pañcadaśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । omaḥkāra mṛtyunāśanakara raudra ṣoḍaśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ kaṅkāra sarvaviṣahara kalyāṇada saptadaśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ khaṅkāra sarvakṣobhakara vyāpakāṣṭādaśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ gaṅkāra sarvavighnaśamana mahattaraikonaviṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ ghaṅkāra saubhāgyada stambhanakara viṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ ṅakāra sarvaviṣanāśakarograikaviṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ caṅkārābhicāraghna krūra dvāviṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ chaṅkāra bhūtanāśakara bhīṣaṇa trayoviṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ jaṅkāra kṛtyādināśakara durdharṣa caturviṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ jhaṅkāra bhūtanāśakara pañcaviṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ ñakāra mṛtyupramathana ṣaḍviṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ ṭaṅkāra sarvavyādhihara subhaga saptaviṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ ṭhaṅkāra candrarūpāṣṭāviṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ ḍaṅkāra garuḍātmaka viṣaghna śobhanaikonatriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ ḍhaṅkāra sarvasaṃpatprada subhaga triṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ ṇaṅkāra sarvasiddhiprada mohakaraikatriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ taṅkāra dhanadhānyādisaṃpatprada prasanna dvātriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ thaṅkāra dharmaprāptikara nirmala trayastriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ daṅkāra puṣṭivṛddhikara priyadarśana catustriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ dhaṅkāra viṣajvaranighna vipula pañcatriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ naṅkāra bhuktimuktiprada śānta ṣaṭtriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ paṅkāra viṣavighnanāśana bhavya saptatriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ phaṅkārāṇimādisiddhiprada jyotīrūpāṣṭatriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ baṅkāra sarvadoṣahara śobhanaikonacatvāriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ bhaṅkāra bhūtapraśāntikara bhayānaka catvāriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ maṅkāra vidveṣimohanakaraikacatvāriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ yaṅkāra sarvavyāpaka pāvana dvicatvāriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ raṅkāra dāhakara vikṛta tricatvāriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ laṅkāra viśvaṃbhara bhāsura catuścatvāriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ vaṅkāra sarvāpyāyanakara nirmala pañcacatvāriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ śaṅkāra sarvaphalaprada pavitra ṣaṭcatvāriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ ṣaṅkāra dharmārthakāmada dhavala saptacatvāriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ saṅkāra sarvakāraṇa sārvavarṇikāṣṭacatvāriṃśe'kṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ haṅkāra sarvavāṅmaya nirmalaikonapañcāśadakṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ ḻaṅkāra sarvaśaktiprada pradhāna pañcāśadakṣe pratitiṣṭha । oṃ kṣaṅkāra parāparatattvajñāpaka paraṃjyotīrūpa śikhāmaṇau pratitiṣṭha । athovāca ye devāḥ pṛthivīpadastebhyo namo bhagavanto'numadantu śobhāyai pitaro'numadantu śobhāyai jñānamayīmakṣamālikām । athovāca ye devā antarikṣasadastebhyaḥ oṃ namo bhagavanto'numadantu śobhāyai pitaro'numadantu śobhāyaijñānamayīmakṣamālikām । athovāca ye devā diviṣadastebhyo namo bhagavanto'numadantu śobhāyai pitaro'numadantu śobhāyai jñānamayīmakṣamālikām । athovāca ye mantrā yā vidyāstebhyo namastābhyaśconnamastacchaktirasyāḥ pratiṣṭhāpayati । athovāca ye brahmaviṣṇurudrāstebhyaḥ saguṇebhya oṃ namastadvīryamasyāḥ pratiṣṭhāpayati । athovāca ye sāṅkhyāditattvabhedāstebhyo namo vartadhvaṃ virodhe'nuvartadhvam । athovāca ye śaivā vaiṣṇavāḥ śāktāḥ śatasahasraśastebhyo namonamo bhagavanto'- numadantvanugṛhṇantu । athovāca yāśca mṛtyoḥ prāṇavatyastābhyo namonamastenaitaṃ mṛḍayata mṛḍayata । punaretasyāṃ sarvātmakatvaṃ bhāvayitvā bhāvena pūrvamālikāmutpādyārabhya tanmayīṃ mahopahārairupahṛtya ādikṣāntairakṣarairakṣa- mālāmaṣṭottaraśataṃ spṛśet । atha punarutthāpya pradakṣiṇīkṛtyoṃ namaste bhagavati mantramātṛke'kṣamāle sarvavaśaṅkaryoṃnamaste bhagavati mantramātṛke'- kṣamālike śeṣastambhinyoṃnamaste bhagavati mantramātṛke'kṣamāle uccāṭanyoṃnamaste bhagavati mantramātṛke'kṣamāle viśvāmṛtyo mṛtyuñjayasvarūpiṇi sakalalokoddīpini sakalaloka- rakṣādhike sakalalokojjīvike sakalalokotpādike divāpravartike rātripravartike nadyantaraṃ yāsi deśāntaraṃ yāsi dvīpāntaraṃ yāsi lokāntaraṃ yāsi sarvadā sphurasi sarvahṛdi vāsasi । namaste parārūpe namaste paśyantīrūpe namaste madhyamārūpe namaste vaikharīrūpe sarvatattvātmike sarvavidyātmike sarvaśaktyātmike sarvadevātmike vasiṣṭhena muninārādhite viśvāmitreṇa muninopajīvyamāne namaste namaste । prātaradhīyāno rātrikṛtaṃ pāpaṃ nāśayati । sāyamadhīyāno divasakṛtaṃ pāpaṃ nāśayati । tatsāyaṃprātaḥ prayuñjānaḥ pāpo'pāpobhavati । evamakṣamālikayā japto mantraḥ sadyaḥ siddhikaro bhavatītyāha bhagavānguhaḥ prajāpatimityupaniaṣat ॥ oṃ vāṅ me manasi pratiṣṭhitā mano me vāci pratiṣṭhitamāvirāvīrma edhi ॥ vedasya ma āṇīsthaḥ śrutaṃ me mā prahāsīranenādhītenāhorātrā- nsandadhāmyṛtaṃ vadiṣyāmi satyaṃ vadiṣyāmi । tanmāmavatu tadvaktāramavatu avatu māmavatu vaktāramavatu vaktāram ॥ oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ॥ hariḥ oṃ tatsat ॥ ityakṣamālikopaniṣatsamāptā ॥