कैवल्यश्रीस्वरूपेण राजमानं महोऽव्ययम् । प्रतियोगिविनिर्मुक्तं श्रीरामपदमाश्रये ॥ ॐ भद्रं कर्णेभिः श्रुणुयाम देवाः । भद्रं पश्येमाक्षभिर्यजत्राः । स्थिरैरङ्गैस्तुष्टुवाँसस्तनूभिः । व्यशेम देवहितं यदायुः ॥ स्वस्ति न इन्द्रो वृद्धश्रवाः । स्वस्ति नः पूषा विश्ववेदाः । स्वस्ति नस्तार्क्ष्यो अरिष्टनेमिः । स्वस्ति नो बृहस्पतिर्दधातु ॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥ ॐ रहस्यं रमतपतं वासुदेवं च मुद्गलम् । शाण्डिल्यं पैङ्गलं भिक्षुं महच्छारीरकं शिखा ॥ १॥ सनकाद्या योगिवर्या अन्ये च ऋषयस्तथा । प्रह्लादाद्या विष्णुभक्ता हनूमन्तमथाब्रुवन् ॥ २॥ वायुपुत्र महाबाहो किंतत्त्वं ब्रह्मवादिनाम् । पुराणेष्वष्टादशसु स्मृतिष्वष्टादशस्वपि ॥ ३॥ चतुर्वेदेषु शास्त्रेषु विद्यास्वाध्यात्मिकेऽपि च । सर्वेषु विद्यादानेषु विघ्नसूर्येशशक्तिषु । एतेषु मध्ये किं तत्त्वं कथय त्वं महाबल ॥ ४॥ हनूमान्होवाच ॥ भो योगीन्द्राश्चैव ऋषयो विष्णुभक्तास्तथैव च । श्रुणुध्वं मामकीं वाचं भवबन्धविनाशिनीम् ॥ ५॥ एतेषु चैव सर्वेषु तत्त्वं च ब्रह्म तारकम् । राम एव परं ब्रह्म तत्त्वं श्रीरामो ब्रह्म तारकम् ॥ ६॥ वायुप्त्रेणोक्तास्ते योगीन्द्रा ऋषयो विष्णुभक्ता हनूमन्तं पप्रच्छुः रामस्याङ्गानि नो ब्रूहीति । हनूमान्होवाच । वायुपुत्रं विघ्नेशं वाणीं दुर्गां क्षेत्रपालकं सूर्यं चन्द्रं नारायणं नारसिंहं वायुदेवं वाराहं तत्सर्वान्त्समात्रान्त्सीतं लक्ष्मणं शत्रुघ्नं भरतं विभीषणं सुग्रीवमङ्गदं जाम्बवन्तं प्रणवमेतानि रामस्याङ्गानि जानीथाः । तान्यङ्गानि विना रामो विघ्नकरो भवति । पुनर्वायुपुत्रेणोक्तास्ते हनूमन्तं पप्रच्छुः । आञ्जनेय महाबल विप्राणां गृहस्थानां प्रणवाधिकारः कथं स्यादिति । स होवाच श्रीराम एवोवाचेति । येषामेव षडक्षराधिकारो वर्तते तेषां प्रणवाधिकारः स्यान्नान्येषाम् । केवलमकारोकारमकारार्धमात्रासहितं प्रणवमूह्य यो राममन्त्रं जपति तस्य शुभकरोऽहं स्याम् । तस्य प्रणवस्थाकारस्योकारस्य मकरास्यार्धमात्रायाश्च ऋषिश्छन्दो देवता तत्तद्वर्णावर्णावस्थानं स्वरवेदाग्निगुणानुच्चार्यान्वहं प्रणवमन्त्रद्द्विगुणं जप्त्वा पश्चाद्राममन्त्रं यो जपेत् स रामो भवतीति रामेणोक्तास्तस्माद्रामाङ्गं प्रणवः कथित इति ॥ विभीषण उवाच ॥ सिंहासने समासीनं रामं पौलस्त्यसूदनम् । प्रणम्य दण्डवद्भूमौ पौलस्त्यो वाक्यमब्रवीत् । । ७॥ रघुनाथ महाबाहो केवलं कथितं त्वया । अङ्गानां सुलभं चैव कथनीयं च सौलभम् ॥ ८॥ श्रीराम उवाच । अथ पञ्च दण्डकानि पितृघ्नो मातृघ्नो ब्रह्मघ्नो गुरुहननः कोटियतिघ्नोऽनेककृतपापो यो मम षण्णवतिकोटिनामानि जपति स तेभ्यः पापेभ्यः प्रमुच्यते । स्वयमेव सच्चिदानन्दस्वरूपो भवेन्न किम् । पुनरुवाच विभीषणः । तत्राप्य शक्तोऽयं किं करोति । स होवाचेमम् । कैकसेय पुरश्चरणविधावशक्तो यो मम महोपनिषदं मम गीतां मन्नामसहस्रं मद्विश्वरूपं ममाष्टोत्तरशतं रामशताभिधानं नारदोक्तस्तवराजं हनूमत्प्रोक्तं मन्त्रराजात्मकस्तवं सीतास्तवं च रामषडक्षरीत्यादिभिर्मन्त्रैर्यो मां नित्यं स्तौति तत्सदृशो भवेन्न किं भवेन्न किम् ॥ इति प्रथमोऽध्यायः ॥ १॥ सनकाद्या मुनयो हनूमन्तं पप्रच्छुः । आञ्जनेय महाबल तारकब्रह्मणो रामचन्द्रस्य मन्त्रग्रामं नो ब्रूहीति । हनूमान्होवाच । वह्निस्थं शयनं विष्णोरर्धचन्द्रविभूषितम् । एकाक्षरो मनुः प्रोक्तो मन्त्रराजः सुरद्रुमः ॥ १॥ ब्रह्मा मुनिः स्याद्गायत्रं छन्दो रामस्य देवता । दीर्घार्धेन्दुयुजाङ्गानि कुर्याद्वह्न्यात्मनो मनोः ॥ २॥ बीजशक्त्यादि बीजेन इष्टार्थे विनियोजयेत् । सरयूतीरमन्दारवेदिकापञ्कजासने ॥ ३॥ श्यामं विरासनासीनं ज्ञानमुद्रोपशोभितम् । वामोरुन्यस्ततद्धस्तं सीतालक्ष्मणसंयुतम् ॥ ४॥ अवेक्षमाणमात्मानमात्मन्यमिततेजसम् । शुद्धस्फटिकसंकाशं केवलं मोक्षकाङ्क्षया ॥ ५॥ चिन्तयन्परमात्मानं भानुलक्षं जपेन्मनुम् । वह्निर्नारायणो नाड्यो जाठरः केवलोऽपि च ॥ ६॥ द्व्यक्षरो मन्त्रराजोऽयं सर्वाभीष्टप्रदस्ततः । एकाक्षरोक्तमृष्यादि स्यादाद्येन षडङ्गकम् ॥ ७॥ तारमायारमानङ्गवाक्स्वबीजैश्च षड्विधः , त्र्यक्षरो मन्त्रराजः स्यात्सर्वाभीष्टफलप्रदः ॥ ८॥ द्व्यक्षरश्चन्द्रभद्रान्तो द्विविधश्चतुरक्षरः । ऋष्यादि पूर्ववज्ज्ञेयमेतयोश्च विचक्षणैः ॥ ९॥ सप्रतिष्ठौ रमौ वायौ हृत्पञ्चार्णो मनुर्मतः । विश्वामित्रऋषिः प्रोक्तः पङ्क्तिश्छन्दोऽस्य देवता ॥१०॥ रामभद्रो बीजशक्तिः प्रथमार्णमिति क्रमात् । भ्रूमध्ये हृदि नाभ्यूर्वोः पादयोर्विन्यसेन्मनुम् ॥ ११॥ षडङ्गं पूर्ववद्विद्यान्मन्त्रार्णैर्मनुनास्त्रकम् । मध्ये वनं कल्पतरोर्मूले पुष्पलतासने ॥ १२॥ लक्ष्मणेन प्रगुणितमक्ष्णः कोणेन सायकम् । अवेक्षमाणं जानक्या कृतव्यजनमीश्वरम् ॥ १३॥ जटाभारलसच्छीर्षं श्यामं मुनिगणावृतम् । लक्ष्मणेन धृतच्छत्रमथवा पुष्पकोपरि ॥ १४॥ दशाअस्यमथनं शान्तं ससुग्रीवविभीषणम् । एवं लब्ध्वा जयार्थी तु वर्णलक्षं जपेन्मनुम् ॥ १५॥ स्वकामशक्तिवाग्लक्ष्मीस्तवाद्याः पञ्चवर्णकाः । षडक्षरः षड्विधः स्याच्चतुर्वर्गफलप्रदः ॥ १६॥ पञ्चाशन्मातृकामन्त्रवर्णप्रत्येकपूर्वकम् । लक्ष्मीवाङ्मन्मथादिश्च तारादिः स्यादनेकधा ॥ १७॥ श्रीमायामन्मथैकैक बीजाद्यन्तर्गतो मनुः । चतुर्वर्णः स एव स्यात्षड्वर्णो वाञ्छितप्रदः ॥ १८॥ स्वाहान्तो हुंफडन्तो वा नत्यन्तो वा भवेदयम् । अष्टाविंशत्युत्तरशतभेदः षड्वर्ण ईरितः ॥ १९॥ ब्रह्मा संमोहनः शक्तिर्दक्षिणामूर्तिरेव च । अगस्त्यश्च शिवः प्रोक्ता मुनयोऽक्रमादिमे ॥ २०॥ छन्दो गायत्रसंज्ञं च श्रीरामश्चैव देवता । अथवा कामबीजादेर्विश्वामित्रो मुनिर्मनोः ॥ २१॥ छन्दो देव्यादिगायत्री रामभद्रोऽस्य देवता । बीजशक्ती यथापूर्वं षड्वर्णान्विन्यसेत्क्रमात् ॥ २२॥ ब्रह्मरन्ध्रे भ्रुवोर्मध्ये हृन्नाभ्यूरुषु पादयोः । बीजैः षड्दीर्घयुक्तैर्वा मन्त्रार्णैवा षडङ्गकम् ॥ २३॥ कालाभोधरकान्तिकान्तमनिशं वीरासनाध्यासितं मुद्रां ज्ञानमयीं दधानमपरं हस्तांबुजं जानुनि । सीतां पार्श्वगतां सरोरुहकरां विद्युन्निभां राघवं पश्यन्तं मुकुटाङ्गदादिविविधाकल्पोज्ज्वलाङ्गं भजे ॥ २४॥ श्रीरामश्चन्द्रभद्रान्तो ङेन्तो नतियुतो द्विधा । सप्ताक्षरो मन्त्रराजः सर्वकामफलप्रदः ॥ २५॥ तारादिसहितः सोऽपि द्विविधोऽष्टाक्षरो मतः । तारं रामश्चतुर्थ्यतः क्रोडास्त्रं वह्नितल्पगा ॥ २६॥ अष्टार्णोऽयं परो मन्त्रो ऋष्यादिः स्यात्षडर्णवत् । पुनरष्टाक्षरस्याथ राम एव ऋषिः स्मृतः ॥ २७॥ गायत्रं छन्द इत्यस्य देवता राम एव च । तारं श्रीबीजयुग्मं च बीजशक्त्यादयो मताः ॥ २८॥ षडङ्गं च ततः कुर्यान्मन्त्रार्णैरेव बुद्धिमान् । तारं श्रीबीजयुग्मं च रामाय नम उच्चरेत् ॥ २९॥ ग्लौंमों बीजं वदेन्मायां हृद्रामाय पुनश्च ताम् । शिवोमाराममन्त्रोऽयं वस्वर्णस्तु वसुप्रदः ॥ ३०॥ ऋषिः सदाशिवः प्रोक्तो गायत्रं छन्द उच्यते । शिवोमारामचन्द्रोऽत्र देवता परिकीर्तितः ॥ ३१॥ दीर्घया माययाङ्गानि तारपञ्चार्णयुक्तया । रामं त्रिनेत्रं सोमार्धधारिणं शूलिनं परम् । भस्मोद्धूलितसर्वाङ्गं कपर्दिनमुपास्महे ॥ ३२॥ रामाभिरामां सौन्दर्यसीमां सोमावतंसिकाम् । पाशाङ्कुशधनुर्बाणधरां ध्यायेत्त्रिलोचनाम् ॥ ३३॥ ध्यायन्नेवं वर्णलक्षं जपतर्पणतत्परः । बिल्वपत्रैः फलैः पुष्पैस्तिलाज्यैः पङ्कजैर्हुनेत् ॥ ३४॥ स्वयमायान्ति निधयः सिद्धयश्च सुरेप्सिताः । पुनरष्टाक्षरस्याथ ब्रह्मगायत्र राघवाः ॥ ३५॥ ऋष्यादयस्तु विज्ञेयाः श्रीबीजं मम शक्तिकम् । तत्प्रीत्यै विनियोगश्च मन्त्रार्णैरङ्गकल्पना ॥ ३६॥ केयूराङ्गदकङ्कणैर्मणिगतैर्विद्योतमानं सदा रामं पार्वणचन्द्रकोटिसदृशच्छत्रेण वै राजितम् । हेमस्तम्भसहस्रषोडशयुते मध्ये महामण्डपे देवेशं भरतादिभिः परिवृतं रामं भजे श्यामलम् ॥ ३७॥ किं मन्त्रैर्बहुभिर्विनश्वरफलैरायाससाध्यैर्वृता किंचिल्लोभवितानमात्रविफलैः संसारदुःखावहैः । एकः सन्नपि सर्वमन्त्रफलदो लोभादिदोषोज्झितः श्रीरामः शरणं ममेति सततं मन्त्रोऽयमष्टाक्षरः ॥ ३८॥ एवमष्टाक्षरः सम्यक् सप्तधा परिकीर्तितः । रामसप्ताक्षरो मन्त्र आद्यन्ते तारसंयुतः ॥ ३९॥ नवार्णो मन्त्रराजः स्याच्छेषं षड्वर्णवन्न्यसेत् । जानकीवल्लभं ङेन्तं वह्नेर्जायाहुमादिकम् ॥ ४०॥ दशाक्षरोऽयं मन्त्रः स्यात्सर्वाभीष्टफलप्रदः । दशाक्षरस्य मन्त्रस्य वसिष्ठोऽस्य ऋषिर्विराट् ॥ ४१॥ छन्दोऽस्य देवता रामः सीतापाणिपरिग्रहः । आद्यो बीजं द्विठः शक्तिः कामेनाङ्गक्रिया मता ॥ ४२॥ शिरोललाटभ्रूमध्ये तालुकर्णेषु हृद्यपि । नाभूरुजानुपादेषु दशार्णान्विन्यसेन्मनोः ॥ ४३॥ अयोध्यानगरे रत्नचित्रे सौवर्णमण्डपे । मन्दारपुष्पैराबद्धविताने तोरणाञ्चिते ॥ ४४॥ सिंहासने समासीनं पुष्पकोपरि राघवम् । रक्षोभिर्हरिभिर्देवैर्दिव्ययानगतैः शुभैः ॥ ४५॥ संस्तूयमानं मुनिभिः प्रह्वैश्च परिसेवितम् । सीतालङ्कृतवामाङ्गं लक्ष्मणेनोपसेवितम् ॥४६॥ श्यामं प्रसन्नवदनं सर्वाभरणभूषितम् । ध्यायन्नेवं जपेन्मन्त्रं वर्णलक्षमनन्यधीः ॥ ४७॥ रामं ङेन्तं धनुष्पाणयेऽन्तः स्याद्वह्निसुन्दरी । दशाक्षरोऽयं मन्त्रः स्यान्मुनिर्ब्रह्मा विराट् स्मृतः ॥ ४८॥ छन्दस्तु देवता प्रोक्तो रामो राक्षसमर्दनः । शेषं तु पूर्ववत्कुर्याच्चापबाणधरं स्मरेत् ॥ ४९॥ तारमायारमानङ्गवाक्स्वबीजैश्च षड्विधः । दशार्णो मन्त्रराजः स्याद्रुद्रवर्णात्मको मनुः ॥ ५०॥ शेषं षडर्णवज्ज्ञेयं न्यासध्यानादिकं बुधैः । द्वादशाक्षरमन्त्रस्य श्रीराम ऋषिरुच्यते ॥ ५१॥ जगती छन्द इत्युक्तं श्रीरामो देवता मतः । प्रणवो बीजमित्युक्तः क्लीं शक्तिर्ह्रीं च कीलकम् ॥ ५२॥ मन्त्रेणाङ्गानि विन्यस्य शिष्टं पूर्ववदाचरेत् । तारं मायां समुच्चार्य भरताग्रज इत्यपि ॥ ५३॥ रामं क्लीं वह्निजायान्तं मन्त्रोयं द्वादशाक्षरः । ॐ हृद्भगवते रामचन्द्रभद्रौ च ङेयुतौ ॥ ५४॥ अर्कार्णो द्विविधोऽप्यस्य ऋषिध्यानादिपूर्ववत् । छन्दस्तु जगती चैव मन्त्रार्णैरङ्गकल्पना ॥ ५५॥ श्रीरामेति पदं चोक्त्वा जयराम ततः परम् । जयद्वयं वदेत्प्राज्ञो रामेति मनुराजकः ॥ ५६॥ त्रयोदशार्ण ऋष्यादि पूर्ववत्सर्वकामदः । पदद्वयद्विरावृत्तेरङ्गं ध्यानं दशार्णवत् ॥ ५७॥ तारादिसहितः सोऽपि स चतुर्दशवर्णकः । त्रयोदशार्णमुच्चार्य पश्चाद्रामेति योजयेत् ॥ ५८॥ स वै पञ्चदशार्णस्तु जपतां कल्पभूरुहः । नमश्च सीतापतये रामायेति हनद्वयम् ॥ ५९॥ ततस्तु कवचास्त्रान्तः षोडशाक्षर ईरितः । तस्यागस्त्यऋषिश्छन्दो बृहती देवता च सः ॥ ६०॥ रां बीजं शक्तिरस्त्रं च कीलकं हुमितीरितम् । द्विपञ्चत्रिचतुर्वर्णैः सर्वैरङ्गं न्यसेत्क्रमात् ॥ ६१॥ तारादिसहितः सोऽपि मन्त्रः सप्तदशाक्षरः । तारं नमो भगवते रां ङेन्तं महा ततः ॥ ६२॥ पुरुषाय पदं पश्चाद्धृदन्तोऽष्टदशाक्षरः । विश्वामित्रो मुनिश्छन्दो गायत्रं देवता च सः ॥ ६३॥ कामादिसहितः सोऽपि मन्त्र एकोनविंशकः । तारं नामो भगवते रामायेति पदं वदेत् ॥ ६४॥ सर्वशब्दं समुच्चार्य सौभाग्यं देहि मे वदेत् । वह्निजायां तथोच्चार्य मन्त्रो विंशार्णको मतः ॥ ६५॥ तारं नमो भगवते रामाय सकलं वदेत् । आपन्निवारणायेति वह्निजायां ततो वदेत् ॥ ६६॥ एकविंशार्णको मन्त्रः सर्वाभीष्टफलप्रदः । तारं रमा स्वबीजं च ततो दाशरथाय च ॥ ६७॥ ततः सीतावल्लभाय सर्वाभीष्टपदं वदेत् । ततो दाय हृदन्तोऽयं मन्त्रो द्वाविंशदक्षरः ॥ ६८॥ तारं नमो भगवते वीररामाय संवदेत् । कल शत्रून् हन द्वन्द्वं वह्निजायां ततो वदेत् ॥ ६९॥ त्रयोविंशाक्षरोमन्त्रः सर्वशत्रुनिबर्हणः । विश्वामित्रो मुनिः प्रोक्तो गायत्रीछन्द उच्यते ॥ ७०॥ देवता वीररामोऽसौ बीजाद्याः पूर्ववन्मताः । मूलमन्त्रविभागेन न्यासान्कृत्वा विचक्षणः ॥ ७१॥ शरं धनुषि सन्धाय तिष्ठन्तं रावणोन्मुखम् । वज्रपाणिं रथारूढं रामं ध्यात्वा जपेन्मनुम् ॥ ७२॥ तारं नमो भगवते श्रीरामाय पदं वदेत् । तारकब्रह्मणे चोक्त्वा मां तारय पदं वदेत् ॥ ७३॥ नमस्तारात्मको मन्त्रश्चतुर्विंशतिमन्त्रकः । बीजादिकं यथा पूर्वं सर्वं कुर्यात्षडर्णवत् ॥ ७४॥ कामस्तारो नतिश्चैव ततो भगवतेपदम् । रामचन्द्राय चोच्चार्य सकलेति पदं वदेत् ॥ ७५॥ जनवश्यकरायेति स्वाहा कामात्मको मनुः । सर्ववश्यकरो मन्त्रः पञ्चविंशतिवर्णकः ॥ ७६॥ आदौ तारेण संयुक्तो मन्त्रः षड्विंशदक्षरः । अन्तेऽपि तारसंयुक्तः सप्तविंशतिवर्णकः ॥ ७७॥ तारं नमो भगवते रक्षोघ्नविशदाय च । सर्वविघ्नान्त्समुच्चार्य निवारय पदद्वयम् ॥ ७८॥ स्वाहान्तो मन्त्रराजोऽयमष्टाविंशतिवर्णकः । अन्ते तारेण संयुक्त एकोनत्रिंशदक्षरः ॥ ७९॥ आदौ स्वबीजसंयुक्तस्त्रिंशद्वर्णात्मको मनुः । अन्तेऽपि तेन संयुक्त एकत्रिंशात्मकः स्मृतः ॥ ८०॥ रामभद्र महेश्वास रघुवीर नृपोत्तम । भो दशास्यान्तकास्माकं श्रियं दापय देहि मे ॥ ८१॥ आनुष्टुभ ऋषी रामश्छन्दोऽनुष्टुप्स देवता । रां बीजमस्य यं शक्तिरिष्टार्थे विनियोजयेत् ॥ ८२॥ पादं हृदि च विन्यस्य पादं शिरसि विन्यसेत् । शिखायां पञ्चभिर्न्यस्य त्रिवर्णैः कवचं न्यसेत् ॥ ८३॥ नेत्रयोः पञ्चवर्णैश्च दापयेत्यस्त्रमुच्यते । चापबाणधरं श्यामं ससुग्रीवबिभीषणम् ॥ ८४॥ हत्वा रावणमायान्तं कृतत्रैलोक्यरक्षणम् । रामचन्द्रं हृदि ध्यात्वा दशलक्षं जपेन्मनुम् ॥ ८५॥ वदेद्दाशरथायेति विद्महेति पदं ततः । सीतापदं समुद्धृत्य वल्लभाय ततो वदेत् ॥ ८६॥ धीमहीति वदेत्तन्नो रामश्चापि प्रचोदयात् तारादिरेषा गायत्री मुक्तिमेव प्रयच्छति ॥ ८७॥ मायादिरपि वैदुष्ट्यं रामादिश्च श्रियःपदम् । मदनेनापि संयुक्तः स मोहयति मेदिनीम् ॥ ८८॥ पञ्च त्रीणि षडर्णैश्च त्रीणि चत्वारि वर्णकैः । चत्वारि च चतुर्वर्णैरङ्गन्यासं प्रकल्पयेत् ॥ ८९॥ बीजध्यानादिकं सर्वं कुर्यात्षड्वर्णवत्क्रमात् । तारं नमो भगवते चतुर्थ्या रघुनन्दनम् ॥ ९०॥ रक्षोघ्नविशदं तद्वन्मधुरेति वदेत्ततः । प्रसन्नवदनं ङेन्तं वदेदमिततेजसे ॥ ९१॥ बलरामौ चतुर्थ्यन्तौ विष्णुं ङेन्तं नतिस्ततः । प्रोक्तो मालामनुः सप्तचत्वारिंशद्भिरक्षरैः ॥ ९२॥ ऋषिश्छन्दो देवतादि ब्रह्मानुष्टुभराघवाः । सप्तर्तुसप्तदश षड्रुद्रसंख्यैः षडङ्गकम् ॥ ९३॥ ध्यानं दशाक्षरं प्रोक्तं लक्षमेकं जपेन्मनुम् । श्रियं सीतां चतुर्थ्यन्तां स्वाहान्तोऽयं षडक्षरः ॥ ९४॥ जनकोऽस्य ऋषिश्छन्दो गायत्री देवता मनोः । सीता भगवती प्रोक्ता श्रीं बीजं नतिशक्तिकम् ॥ ९५॥ कीलं सीता चतुर्थ्यन्तमिष्टार्थे विनियोजयेत् । दीर्घस्वरयुताद्येन षडङ्गानि प्रकल्पयेत् ॥ ९६॥ स्वर्णाभामम्बुजकरां रामालोकनतत्पराम् । ध्यायेत्षट्कोणमध्यस्थरामाङ्कोपरि शोभिताम् ॥ ९७॥ लकारं तु समुद्धृत्य लक्ष्मणाय नमोन्तकः । अगस्त्यऋषिरस्याथ गायत्रं छन्द उच्यते ॥ ९८॥ लक्ष्मणो देवता प्रोक्तो लं बीजं शक्तिरस्य हि । नमस्तु विनियोगो हि पुरुषार्थ चतुष्टये ॥ ९९॥ दीर्घभाजा स्वबीजेन षडङ्गानि प्रकल्पयेत् । द्विभुजं स्वर्णरुचिरतनुं पद्मनिभेक्षणम् ॥ १००॥ धनुर्बाणधरं देवं रामाराधनतत्परम् । भकारं तु समुद्धृत्य भरताय नमोन्तकः ॥ १०१॥ अगस्त्यऋषिरस्याथ शेषं पूर्ववदाचरेत् । भरतं श्यामलं शान्तं रामसेवापरायणम् ॥ १०२॥ धनुर्बाणधरं वीरं कैकेयीतनयं भजे । शं बीजं तु समुद्धृत्य शत्रुघ्नाय नमोन्तकः । ऋष्यादयो यथापूर्वं विनियोगोऽरिनिग्रहे ॥ १०३॥ द्विभुजं स्वर्णवर्णाभं रामसेवापरायणम् । लवणासुरहन्तारं सुमित्रातनयं भजे ॥ १०४॥ हृं हनुमांश्चतुर्थ्यन्तं हृदन्तो मन्त्रराजकः । रामचन्द्र ऋषिः प्रोक्तो योजयेत्पूर्ववत्क्रमात् ॥ १०५॥ द्विभुजं स्वर्णवर्णाभं रामसेवापरायणम् । मौञ्जीकौपीनसहितं मां ध्यायेद्रामसेवकम् ॥ इति॥ १०६॥ इति रमरहस्योपनिषदि द्वितीयोऽध्यायः ॥ २॥ सनकाद्या मुनयो हनूमन्तं पप्रच्छुः । आञ्जनेय महाबल पूर्वोक्तमन्त्राणां पूजापीठमनुब्रूहीति । हनुमान् होवाच । आदौ षट्कोणम् । तन्मध्ये रामबीजं सश्रीकम् । तदधोभागे द्वितीयान्तं साध्यम् । बीजोर्ध्वभागे षष्ठ्यन्तं साधकम् । पार्श्वे दृष्टिबीजे तत्परितो जीवप्राणशक्तिवश्यबीजानि । तत्सर्वं सन्मुखोन्मुखाभ्यां प्रणवाभ्यां वेष्टनम् । अग्नीशासुरवायव्यपुरःपृष्ठेषु षट्कोणेषु दीर्घभाञ्जि । हृदयादिमन्त्राः क्रमेण । रां रीं रूं रैं रौं रः इति दीर्घभाजि तद्युक्तहृदयाद्यस्त्रान्तम् । षट्कोणपार्श्वे रमामायाबीजे । कोणाग्रे वाराहं हुमिति । तद्बीजान्तराले कामबीजम् । परितो वाग्भवम् । ततो वृत्तत्रयं साष्टपत्रम् । तेषु दलेषु स्वरानष्टवर्गान्प्रतिदलं मालामनुवर्णषट्कम् । अन्ते पञ्चाक्षरम् । तद्दलकपोलेष्वष्टवर्णान् । पुनरष्टदलपद्मम् । तेषु दलेषु नारायणाष्टाक्षरो मन्त्रः । तद्दलकपोलेषु श्रीबीजम् । ततो वृत्तम् । ततो द्वादशदलम् । तेषु दलेषु वासुदेवद्वादशाक्षरो मन्त्रः । तद्दलकपोलेष्वादिक्षान्तान् । ततो वृत्तम् । ततः षोडशदलम् । तेषु दलेषु हुं फट् नतिसहितरामद्वादशाक्षरम् । तद्दलकपोलेषु मायाबीजम् । सर्वत्र प्रतिकपोलं द्विरावृत्त्या ह्रं स्रं भ्रं ब्रं भ्रमं श्रुं ज्रम् । ततो वृत्तम् । ततो द्वात्रिंशद्दलपद्मम् । तेषु दलेषु नृसिंहमन्त्रराजानुष्टुभमन्रः । तद्दलकपोलेश्वष्टव- स्वेकादशरुद्रद्वादशादित्यमन्त्राः प्रणवादिनमोन्ता- श्चतुर्थ्यन्ताः क्रमेण । तद्बहिर्वषट्कारं परितः । ततो रेखात्रययुक्तं भूपुरम् । द्वादशदिक्षु राश्यादिभूषितम् । अष्टनागैरधिष्ठितम् । चतुर्दिक्षु नारसिंहबीजम् । विदिक्षु वाराहबीजम् । एतत्सर्वात्मकं यन्त्रं सर्वकामप्रदं मोक्षप्रदं च । एकाक्षरादिनवाक्षरान्तानामेतद्यन्त्रं भवति । तद्दशावरणात्मकं भवति । षट्कोणमध्ये साङ्गं राघवं यजेत् । षट्कोणेष्वङ्गैः प्रथमा वृतिः । अष्टदलमूले आत्माद्यावरणम् । तदग्रे वासुदेवाद्यावरणम् । द्वितीयाष्टदलमूले घृष्टाद्यावरणम् । तदग्रे हनूमदाद्यावरणम् । द्वादशदलेषु वसिष्ठाद्यावरणम् । षोडशदलेशु नीलाद्यावरणम् । द्वात्रिंशद्दलेषु ध्रुवाद्यावरणम् । भूपुरान्तरिन्द्राद्यावरणम् । तद्बहिर्वज्राद्यावरणम् । एवमभ्यर्च्य मनुं जपेत् ॥ अथ दशाक्षरादिद्वात्रिंशदक्षरान्तानां मन्त्राणां पूजापीठमुच्यते । आदौ षट्कोणम् । तन्मध्ये स्वबीजम् । तन्मध्ये साध्यनामानि । एवं कामबीजवेष्टनम् । तं शिष्टेन नवार्णेन वेष्टनम् । षट्कोणेषु षडङ्गान्यग्नीशासुरवायव्यपूर्वपृष्ठेषु । तत्कपोलेषु श्रीमाये । कोणाग्रे क्रोधम् । ततो वृत्तम् । ततोऽष्टदलम् । तेषु दलेषु षट्संख्यया मालामनुवर्णान् । तद्दलकपोलेषु षोडश स्वराः । ततो वृत्तम् । तत्परित आदिक्षान्तम् । तद्बहिर्भूपुरम् साष्टशूलाग्रम् । दिक्षु विदिक्षु नारसिंहवाराहे । एतन्महायन्त्रम् । आधारशक्त्यादिवैष्णवपीठम् । अङ्गैः प्रथमा वृतिः । मध्ये रामम् । वामभागे सीताम् । तत्पुरतः शार्ङ्गं शरं च । अष्टदलमूले हनुमदादिद्वितीयावरणम् । घृष्ट्यादितृतीयावरणम् । इन्द्रादिभिश्चतुर्थी । वज्रादिभिः पञ्चमी । एतद्यन्त्राराधन- पूर्वकं दशाक्षरादिमन्त्रं जपेत् । ॥ इति रामरहस्योपनिषदि तृतीयोऽध्यायः ॥ ३॥ सनकाद्या मुनयो हनूमन्तं पप्रच्छुः । श्रीराममन्त्राणां पुरश्चरणविधिमनुब्रूहीति । हनूमान्होवाच । नित्यं त्रिषवणस्नायी पयोमूलफलादिभुक् । अथवा पायसाहारो हविष्यान्नाद एव वा ॥ १॥ षड्सैश्च परित्यक्तः स्वाश्रमोक्तविधिं चरन् । वनितादिषु वाक्कर्ममनोभिर्निःस्पृहः शुचिः ॥ २॥ भूमिशायी ब्रह्मचारी निष्कामो गुरुभक्तिमान् । स्नानपूजाजपध्यानहोमतर्पणतत्परः ॥ ३॥ गुरूपदिष्टमार्गेण ध्यायन्राममनन्यधीः । सूर्येन्दुगुरुदीपादिगोब्राह्मणसमीपतः ॥ ४॥ श्रीरामसन्निधौ मौनी मन्त्रार्थमनुचिन्तयन् । व्याघ्रचर्मासने स्थित्वा स्वस्तिकाद्यासनक्रमात् ॥ ५॥ तुलसीपारिजातश्रीवृक्षमूलादिकस्थले । पद्माक्षतुलसीकाष्ठरुद्राक्षकृतमालया ॥ ६॥ मातृकामालया मन्त्री मनसैव मनुं जपेत् । अभ्यर्च्य वैष्णवे पीठे जपेदक्षरलक्षकम् ॥ ७॥ तर्पयेत्तद्दशांशेन पायसात्तद्दशांशतः । जुहुयाद्गोघृतेनैव भोजयेत्तद्दशांशतः ॥ ८॥ ततः पुष्पाञ्जलिं मूलमन्त्रेण विधिवच्चरेत् । ततः सिद्धमनुर्भूत्वा जीवन्मुक्तो भवेन्मुनिः ॥ ९॥ अणिमादिर्भजत्येनं यूनं वरवधूरिव । ऐहिकेषु च कार्येषु महापत्सु च सर्वदा ॥ १०॥ नैव योज्यो राममन्त्रः केवलं मोक्षसाधकः । ऐहिके समनुप्राप्ते मां स्मरेद्रामसेवकम् ॥ ११॥ यो रामं संस्मरेन्नित्यं भक्त्या मनुपरायणः । तस्याहमिष्टसंसिद्ध्यै दीक्षितोऽस्मि मुनीश्वराः ॥ १२॥ वाञ्छितार्थं प्रदास्यामि भक्तानां राघवस्य तु । सर्वथा जागरूकोऽस्मि रामकार्यधुरन्धरः ॥ १३॥ इति रामरहस्योपनिषदि चतुर्थोऽध्यायः ॥ ४॥ सनकाद्या मुनयो हनूमन्तं पप्रच्छुः । श्रीराममन्त्रार्थमनुब्रूहीति । हनूमान्होवाच । सर्वेषु राममन्त्रेषु मन्त्रराजः षडक्षरः । एकधाय द्विधा त्रेधा चतुर्धा पञ्चधा तथा ॥ १॥ षट्सप्तधाष्टधा चैव बहुधायं व्यवस्थितः । षडक्षरस्य माहात्म्यं शिवो जानाति तत्त्वतः ॥ २॥ श्रीराममन्त्रराजस्य सम्यगर्थोऽयमुच्यते । नारायणाष्टाक्षरे च शिवपञ्चाक्षरे तथा । सार्थकार्णद्वयं रामो रमन्ते यत्र योगिनः । रकारो वह्निवचनः प्रकाशः पर्यवस्यति ॥ ३॥ सच्चिदानन्दरूपोऽस्य परमात्मार्थ उच्यते । व्यञ्जनं निष्कलं ब्रह्म प्राणो मायेति च स्वरः ॥ ४॥ व्यञ्जनैः स्वरसंयोगं विद्धि तत्प्राणयोजनम् । रेफो ज्योतिर्मये तस्मात्कृतमाकरयोजनम् ॥ ५॥ मकारोऽभ्युदयार्थत्वात्स मायेति च कीर्त्यते । सोऽयं बीजं स्वकं यस्मात्समायं ब्रह्म चोच्यते ॥ ६॥ सबिन्दुः सोऽपि पुरुषः शिवसूर्येन्दुरूपवान् । ज्योतिस्तस्य शिखा रूपं नादः सप्रकृतिर्मतः ॥ ७॥ प्रकृतिः पुरुषश्चोभौ समायाद्ब्रह्मणः स्मृतौ । बिन्दुनादात्मकं बीजं वह्निसोमकलात्मकम् ॥ ८॥ अग्नीषोमात्मकं रूपं रामबीजे प्रतिष्ठितम् । यथैव वटबीजस्थः प्राकृतश्च महाद्रुमः ॥ ९॥ तथैव रामबीजस्थं जगदेतच्चराचरम् । बीजोक्तमुभयार्थत्वं रामनामनि दृश्यते ॥ १०॥ बीजं मायाविनिर्मुक्तं परं ब्रह्मेति कीर्त्यते । मुक्तिदं साधकानां च मकारो मुक्तिदो मतः ॥ ११॥ मारूपत्वादतो रामो भुक्तिमुक्तिफलप्रदः । आद्यो र तत्पदार्थः स्यान्मकरस्त्वंपदार्थवान् ॥ १२॥ तयोः संयोजनमसीत्यर्थे तत्त्वविदो विदुः । नमस्त्वमर्थो विज्ञेयो रामस्तत्पदमुच्यते ॥ १३॥ असीत्यर्थे चतुर्थी स्यादेवं मन्त्रेषु योजयेत् । तत्त्वमस्यादिवाक्यं तु केवलं मुक्तिदं यतः ॥ १४॥ भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदं चैतत्तस्मादप्यतिरिच्यते । मनुष्वेतेषु सर्वेषामधिकारोऽस्ति देहिनाम् ॥ १५॥ मुमुक्षूणां विरक्तानां तथा चाश्रमवासिनाम् । प्रणवत्वात्सदा ध्येयो यतीनां च विशेषतः । राममन्त्रार्थविज्ञानी जीवन्मुक्तो न संशयः ॥ १६॥ य इमामुपनिषदमधीते सोऽग्निपूतो भवति । स वायुपूतो भवति । सुरापानात्पूतो भवति । स्वर्णस्तेयात्पूतो भवति । ब्रह्महत्यापूतो भवति । स राममन्त्राणां कृतपुरश्चरणो रामचन्द्रो भवति । तदेतदृचाभ्युक्तम् । सदा रामोऽहमस्मीति तत्त्वतः प्रवदन्ति ये । न ते संसारिणो नूनं राम एव न संशयः ॥ ॐ सत्यमित्युपनिषत् ॥ ॐ भद्रं कर्णेभिः श्रुणुयाम देवा भद्रं पश्येमाक्षभिर्यजत्राः । स्थिरैरङ्गैस्तुष्टुवाँसस्तनूभिर्व्यशेम देवहितं यदायुः ॥ ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥ इति श्रीरमरहस्योपनिषत्समाप्ता ॥
Om ! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious; May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship ! May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas, Praising them with our body and limbs steady ! May the glorious Indra bless us ! May the all-knowing Sun bless us ! May Garuda, the thunderbolt for evil, bless us ! May Brihaspati grant us well-being ! Om ! Let there be Peace in me ! Let there be Peace in my environment ! Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me ! I salute that Lord Rama, who is the personification of salvation, who is a great king, who is a great man and who destroys all his enemies. First Chapter 1-2. Great sages like Mudgala, Sandilya, Paingala, Bikshu, Sanaka and Prahlada approached Lord Hanuman, who was a great devotee of Vishnu and asked him, 3-4. “Which is the greatest principle among the four Veda-s, 18 purana-s, 18 Smriti-s, Sastra-s, all knowledge and among the great powers ruled by the Sun and moon?” 5-6. He replied, “Hey, great sages and devotees of Lord Vishnu! Please hear my words which cut of all attachments, the greatest principle among these is the principle of Brahma Taraka (OM). Rama is Para-Brahma and supreme austerity, and Rama is the Supreme Essence and Brahma Taraka.” 7. They all again asked, Lord Hanuman,”Please tell us the angas (aspects) of Lord Rama.” Lord Hanuman told, “Please understand that Lord Ganesha, Goddess Saraswati, Goddess Durga, all the Kshetra Palaka-s, Sun, Moon, Lord Narayana, Lord Narasimha, Lord Vasudeva, Lord Varaha, Lord Lakshmana, Shatrughna, Bharata, Vibheeshana, Sugreeva, Angada, Jambavanta and Pranava are the angas of Lord Rama. Without these angas, Lord Rama will not remove all roadblocks. They again asked, “How will Brahmins and householders get the capacity to recite Pranava?” He said, “All People (even if they are not eligible to chant “Om”,) who chant the six letter mantra would get the capacity to meditate on Pranava. Those who chant silently the mantra of Rama would get the same effect as repeating the letter “Om”. After the name of Rishi, Devata and meter, japa of the Rama mantra would give the same effect as repetition of Pranava and further he explained that Rama Himself has said that pranava is a part of Rama mantra. 8. On another occasion answering Vibheeshana’s question “How can your angas be made easy to worship? Please tell me an easy way.” Rama replied, “The japa of my name “Rama” removes all sins. Suppose some one is meditating on my six lettered mantra or reads my Gita or thinks of me with devotional fervor, he would get the same effect. He would get rid of the five great sins, viz. killing of father, killing of mother, killing of brothers, killing of teachers, killing of husband or even other well-known great sins, if one repeats my six lettered mantra ten million times. He also would get the immortal and ever lasting bliss. Vibheeshana again asked him, “What would be the way for people who are not capable of doing It.?” Rama replied “they can either read my Gita, my thousand names or meditate on my Viswa Roopa or my 108 names, or repeat my name 100 times, or read the king of stotras written by sage Narada, or read the great prayer called mantra raja stavam written by Hanuman, or read the prayer to Sita or daily pray to me by reciting my name; they will doubtless attain Me.” Here ends the First Chapter. Second Chapter The great sages led by Sanaka asked Hanuman again, “Please tell us the mantra for meditating (or worshipping) the Taraka Brahma Rama.” Hanuman replied: 1. That king of mantra-s is the Ekakshara (one-syllabled) which is the store house of fire, which is Lord Vishnu who is lying down and which is Lord Shiva who adorned with the crescent moon. 2. Its sage is Brahma, meter is Gayatri, Deity is Lord Rama, its anga is waxing half-Moon and its mind is the soul of fire, 3. Its root is the Beeja Shakti and it has to be chanted for fulfillment of desires. The prayer (dhyana sloka) for the mantra is:- He who sits on the lotus flower on the shores of river Sarayu, 4. He who is black, seated on the throne of heroes, who shines in the Jnana-Mudra that he shows, whose left side is adorned by Sita and Lakshmana, 5. He who shines as their soul to those souls, who pray to him, who is like the clear crystal, who is the only source to those who wish for salvation, 6. He who is the Paramatma to those thinkers, who shines like the millions of Suns, who is like Narayana residing in the nadi-s, who is digestive fire. 7. The king of mantras with two syllables (Rama) would lead to fulfillment of all desires, and along with the suffix of one letter, it becomes six different mantras, they are Om, Hrim, Srim, Klim, Aim and Ram. 8. These king of mantras consisting of three syllables also will fulfill all desires. 9. The two four lettered mantras are Ramachandra and Ramabhadra. 10. These can be chanted with the rishi and others as told before; Viswamithra is its Rishi, the meter is pankti, Devatha is Ramabhadra, The Bheeja is Shakthi. 11. This mantra should be invoked mentally in the middle of the eye brows, head, navel, thighs and feet. 12. One should go to the middle of the forest and sit under the Kalpa-Vriksha (wish-fulfilling or eternal tree) and assume the posture of “Pushpalata” (flowering creeper plant), do the anga nyasa and chant the mantras, 13. With Lakshmana having arranged properly the arrow and the Lord being fanned by Sita. 14. Dhyana mantra:- I salute that Rama, who has lustrous matted hair, who is bluish in colour, who is surrounded by sages, who is being fanned by Janaki, who is protected by Lakshmana holding an umbrella, 15. The one who killed Ravana, who is extremely peaceful, and before whom stand Sugreeva and Vibeeshana. For achieving victory one should chant this sloka ten million times. 16. The five lettered mantra-s are formed by adding the root letters for Manmatha, Durga, Saraswati and Lakshmi at the beginning of the four lettered mantra, adding OM to make it six-syllabled and lead to the realization of the four Purushartha-s. 17. When each of the fifty mystic syllables of the Sanskrit alphabet (nasalized), as well as the root letters of Lakshmi, Saraswati, Manmatha and OM are added as the first syllable several varieties of six lettered mantras are formed. 18. Chanting the four letter mantras by adding the root letters of Sri, Maya and Manmatha as prefix and suffix of the four and six letter mantras grants all ones wishes. 19. Adding svaha, or hum phat or namah at the end, in various combinations, make up the 18-lettered mantra-s. 20. In these mantra-s, Brahma as sammohana shakti, Dakshinamurty, Agastya, and Shiva are said to be the ascetics, in that order. 21. The meter (chanda) is Gayatri, and the Deity is Shri Rama. Or, Kama-bija at the beginning and Vishvamitra the Rishi. 22. The meter Gayatri of different deities and Ramabhadra the ‘devata’. The shakti-bija is invoked as before as with the 6-lettered mantra. 23. Touching on the top of the head, in the middle between the eye-brows, heart, thighs, and feet, the mantras are recited with bija-s and anga-nyasa. 24. Dhyana: I worship Sri Rama, Whose body shines with various ornaments, Who is as brilliant as lightning, Who assumes the Virasana posture, Who shows jnana Mudra by one hand, Who keeps the other hand on his thigh, And who wears the crown. 25. Then one should, with prostrations, recite “Ramachandraya and Ramabhadraya Namah”, and the king of seven lettered mantras and the fulfiller of all wishes. 26. Eight lettered mantra: Adding OM at the beginning to the two seven lettered mantras gives rise to two eight lettered mantras. OM added to the four lettered “Ramaya” and “Hum Phat svaha” is another 8 lettered mantra. 27. The Rishis and other adjuncts for the 8-lettered mantra are the same as for the 6-lettered ones. Again, the 8-lettered mantra also has Rama as the Rishi. 28. The meter is Gayatri, the Deity is Rama, OM, the pair of Shri bija-s, and Shakti bija and others are also (added). 29. Thereafter one recites the mantra-s with the 6-limbed nyasa, and recites Ramaya Namah with OM and a pair of Shri-bija-s. 30. Shiva Rama Mantra: Glaum OM, Maya-bija (heart-abiding) Ramaya Namah is recited again. Shiva, Om, Rama mantra is the giver of all excellence. 31. Sadashiva is spoken of as the Rishi, Gayatri as the meter, and Shiva-OM-Ramachandra as the Deity. Dhyanam: I worship that Rama, Who has three eyes, Who wears the crescent, Who holds the trident, Who is anointed all over by ash, And who is with matted hair. 32. I worship the three eyed one, Who is Abhirama, the pinnacle of beauty, Who wears the crescent as ear ring, And who holds the noose, the goad, the bow and the arrow, 34. Thus meditating, devoted wholly to recitation and oblations one shall chant mantra-s one-hundred thousand times, offering bilva leaves, fruits, flowers, gingili seeds, and lotuses. 35. Rama Brahma Gayatri: Even the treasures and powers, wished for by the celestials, come by themselves, when the 8-lettered Raghava brahma-gayatri (is chanted). 36. The Rishis knowing Shri-bija as my Shakti, chant the mantra-s with the limbs, as viniyoga for its adoration. 37. Dhyanam: I worship that blue complexioned Rama, Who wears the bracelet on upper arm and bangle, Which are studded with shining gems, Who has the royal umbrella held over his head, Who shines like millions of waxing moons, Who sits in the hall of one thousand sixteen golden pillars, And who is surrounded by Bharata and others. 38. Rama Sharana Mantra: The chanting of “Ramam sharanam mama” (i.e. Rama is my refuge) achieves much more than many other mantras which lead with difficulty to mere ephemeral gains and productive of the misery of samsara due to the greed for the transient fruits. This mantra gives the fruits of all of them without the taint of greed and other defects. There is also the 8-lettered mantra which is well-known in seven-fold ways. It is Om added to the seven lettered mantra. 39. Other mantras with more letters: The 8-syllabled mantra is (chanted) seven-fold ways. OM is added at the beginning and end of the seven lettered (mantra). 40. Nine lettered mantra: This 9-lettered mantra is offered like the 6-lettered one, to Sita in the beginning and to the consort of Janaki at the end. 41. Ten lettered mantra: The 10-lettered mantra gives all that is desirable wished-for fruits. The great Vasishtha is the Rishi of this 10-lettered mantra; the meter is Virat, 42. The Deity is Rama holding Sita’s hand; The beginning bija Visarga is the shakti. With the anga-nyasa for the wishes, 43. The 10 lettered mantra is offered mentally to the head, forehead, middle of the eye-brows, palate, ears, heart, navel, thighs, knees, and feet. 44. Dhyanam: I think of that Rama, Who is in the city of Ayodhya, Who is decorated by various gems, Who sits under a golden canopy, Whose doorways are decorated by mandara flowers, 45. Who is seated on a throne, Surrounded by celestial vehicles, 46. Who is praised by sages with reverence, Who is adorned on the left by Sita, Who is being served by Lakshmana, 47. Who is blue complexioned, Who has a tranquil face, And who is adorned by ornaments. This mantra should be recited a hundred-thousand times with exclusive devotion. 48. The form of Rama holding the bow in his hands and Sita within. Brahma is the Rishi of the 10-lettered mantra. The meter is Virat, 49. The Deity is Rama, the slayer of demons. Rest of the worship is similar to the previous one. One should remember Rama holding the bow and arrow. 50. Eleven lettered mantra: With the six-fold addition of OM-Maya-Rama-Kama-Vac-sva- bija-s, and recite the 10-lettered mantra for Rudra. 51. The remainder (ritual) is the same as for the 6-lettered mantra, as regards nyasa and dhyana, according to the wise. Of the 12-lettered mantra Sri Rama is the Rishi; 52. The meter is jagati and Sri Rama the Deity; the pranava is said to be the bija, kliim is Shakti, and hrim is kilaka. 53. Reciting the mantra-s with the anga-nyasa, the rest is performed as previously. Also to be added are OM, kiim and also Bharatagraja. 54. Twelve lettered mantra: This 12-lettered mantra ends with Rama, kliim and svaha. OM Hrridbhagavate Ramachandrabhadraya; 55. As before, the Rishi and dhyana, and arna meter (12-feet) or the 12 suryas??; Jagati meter, and the mantra-s with anga-nyasa. 56. Reciting the name Sri Rama and Jayarama thereafter, the wise one says jaya jaya twice, Rama who sheds joy on the mind. 57. Thirteen lettered mantra: The 13-lettered mantra has the same Rishi and other adjuncts as before, the fulfiller of all wishes. Repeating the phrase twice with the anga-s and dhyana as before. 58. Fourteen lettered mantra: When Om is added, the mantra is 14-lettered. After chanting the 13-lettered, one adds (the name) Rama; 59. Fifteen lettered mantra: This is the 15-lettered wish-fulfilling tree (kalpa – bhuruhah). Add namah to Sitapataye Ramaya hana hana; 60. Sixteen lettered mantra: Thereafter, the 16-lettered ends with the kavacha and asthra. Of this, Agastya is the Rishi, Brihati is the meter, and Rama is the Deity. 61. Ram is the bija, astra is shakti, and hum the kilaka. The 10-15 lettered mantra-a are offered in sequence with the anga-nyasa-s. 62. Seventeen lettered mantra: Adding OM, the mantra is 17-lettered. OM namo bhagavata Ram at the end there-after. 63. Eighteen lettered mantra: Adding purushaya at the end gives the 18-lettered mantra, with Vishvamitra as the Rishi and gayatri meter and the Deity as Rama. 64. Nineteen lettered mantra: With the Kama bija, the mantra is 19-lettered. OM namo bhagavate Ramaya is to be recited. 65. Twenty lettered mantra: After uttering all the mantra-s one asks for all auspiciousness. When svaha is added the mantra is 20-lettered. 66. OM namo bhagavate Ramaya is to be recited. Then svaha for protection from dangers. 67. Twenty one lettered mantra: The 21-lettered mantra fulfills all one’s wishes. OM Rama svabijaa Dasharathaya thereafter. 68. Twenty two lettered mantra: Then one chants the all-auspicious sitavallabhaya (to Sita’s consort). Then this 22-lettered mantra. 69. Twenty three lettered mantra: OM namo bhagavate viraramaya is chanted. Then softly, hana hana svaha is recited. 70. The 23-lettered mantra is the slayer of all enemies. Vishvamitra is the Rishi and Gayatri is the meter. 71. The Deity is Vira Rama, bija-s and other (adjuncts) are as before. The wise one after doing the anga-nyasa of the mula-mantra in parts, 72. silently meditates on Rama, who has put the arrow on the bow and facing Ravana, is holding the thunderbolt in his hand and has ascended the chariot. 73. One recites OM namo bhagavate Shri Ramaya and having said OM brahmane adds the words mam taraya (protect me). 74. Twenty four lettered mantra: With nama OM added, the mantra is 24-lettered. The bija-s and other adjuncts are as before. 75. Kliim, OM, and namah and bhagavate Ramachandraya thereafter, one says the word ‘all’. 76. Twenty five lettered mantra: janavashyakaraya (conquering people) svaha and kiim are to be recited mentally. The 25-lettered mantra is to include sarvavashyakara (conquering all). 77. Twenty six and twenty seven lettered mantra: With OM added at the beginning, the mantra has 26 letters. Adding OM at the end makes it 27-lettered. 78. OM namo bhagavate rakshoghnavishadaya (obeisance to Bhagavan, slayer of demons), sarvavighat nivaraya (protect from all obstacle), to be repeated twice; 79. Twenty eight and twenty nine lettered mantra: Adding svaha at the end makes this king of mantra-s 28-lettered. When joined with OM, it becomes 29-lettered. 80. Thirty and Thirty-one lettered mantra: Beginning with sva-bija, is the 30-lettered. With OM at the end, it has 31 letters. 81. O Ramabhadra the great archer! O Raghuvira the best of kings, and slayer of Ravana! Grant me wealth! 82. The Rishi is Rama, meter is anushtubh, Ram bija, yam shakti, are recited for the Ishta deity. 83. Nyasa of the mantra is done in the heart, on the head, with the 5-lettered on the shikha, and of the 3-lettered kavacha. 84. For the eyes with the 5-lettered mantra, called the astra. Holding the bow and arrow, blue-complexioned, accompanied by Sugriva and Vibhishana. 85. After slaying Ravana, coming for the protection of the three worlds; meditating on Rama in the heart, one chants (the mantra) mentally a million times; 86. Then one utters the rama gayatri given by ‘dashrathaya vidmahe’, followed by ‘sita-vallabhaya dhimahi, 87. tanno Ramah prachodayat’. May we know the son of Dasharatha; we meditate on Sita’s consort; may Rama enlighten our intellect. 88. For enchanting the earth and attain expertise in love add “madana” (cupid) to the “Sri Rama“ along with the Bhija of Maya. 89. With 15-lettered and 12-lettered (mantra-s) and also for the 16-lettered mantra one has to perform anga-nyasa. 90. While chanting the bija-s, meditation, etc. for these, the same sequence as for the 6-lettered mantra has to be adhered. OM namo bhagavate raghunandanaya. 91. Likewise, thereafter one recites ‘to rakshoghnavishad’, and ‘madhura’ (sweet); ‘prasannavadanam’ (tranquil-faced), ‘amita-tejaseo (to one of immeasurable brightness). 92. Thereafter, say namah (obeisance) to Balarama and Vishnu, and recite mentally the 47 letters. 93. Rishi is Brahma, meter is anushtubh, and deity is Raghava. Seven time 17, with 6 Rudra-s, and the 6 limbs; 94. While Meditating on the 10-lettered mantra , one chants it 100,000 times. It starts with “Shriyam Sita”, followed by the six lettered mantra and ending with “Swaha”. 95. The Rishi of this mantra is Janaka, meter is Gayatri, deity is Sita Bhagavati, shrim is bija, and namah is the shakti. 96. Sita is kilaka, viniyoga is done for the Ishta. Reciting with prolonged accents at the beginning, the 6-limb nyasa is done. 97. One should meditate on Rama at the center of the hexagon (yantra), thinking in the mind him with his body shining like gold, holding a lotus,and then look at Rama as the final refuge. 98. For the Lakshmana mantra utter the sound lam and bow to Lakshmana. For this (mantra) Agastya is the Rishi, meter is Gayatri, 99. Deity is Lakshmana, lam is the bija and shakti is namah; the 4 purushartha-s are the viniyoga. 100. Long ending sound with Ram as the bija is recited with the 6-limbed nyasa. (Rama) with 2 arms, personifying his body as of golden hue, and resembling a lotus, 101. For the Bharata mantra, he holding the bow and arrow, wholly devoted to Rama as the Supreme, one should utter the sound bha and bow to Bharata. 102. Rishi is Agastya, rest is done as before, to Bharata the blue-hued one who is tranquil and serving Rama whole-heartedly. 103. For the mantra of Shatrughna, recite “I worship Kaikeyi’s brave son, holding the bow and arrow”; utter the bija “sham” and ending with ‘shatrughnaya namah’, the Rishi-s and other adjuncts as before and the viniyoga for the control over enemies. 104. Two-armed, golden-bright, devoted to the service of Rama, slayer of Lavanasura, I worship the son of Sumitra. 105. The mantra of Hanuman, “hrum hanumate” is the king of mantra-s, of which Ramachandra is the Rishi, and the other rituals to be done as previously. 106. One should meditate on the two-armed one who is shining like gold, who is devoted to Rama’s service, wearing the girdle of munja-grass and is the servant of Rama. Thus ends Second Chapter of Rama-rahasya Upanishad. Third Chapter Sanaka and other ascetics asked Hanuman: “O mighty son of Anjana! Tell us about the altar (yantra) for the worship by the aforesaid mantra-s.” Hanuman replied: “To begin with, the altar is six-sided (hexagonal) and in the center is written the seed-letter (bijakshara) of Rama (Ram), with shrim. Below that in the second corner is the Sadhya (food offering). Above it on the sixth corner is the Sadhakam (Constant devotion). On the surrounding sides are the seed letters of Jiva-Prana-Shakti. Encircling all these is OM. In the South-East, North-East, North-West, & South-West, on the front corners, are kept the cooked rice. Then sequentially the Heart mantra-s viz Ram, rim, rum, raim, raum, rah bija-akshara-,s the heart ‘astra mantras’ are to be recited. Behind the corners are the bija-akshara of Rama and Maya, on the corners varaham hum; over this is the Kama-bija (Ram) and surrounding it, is the Vac (kiim). Thereafter are three circles of eight leaves. On the leaves, garlands of syllables in eight groups of six-lettered mantras are inscribed. Ending with five-lettered mantra. On the face of each leaf the eight-lettered (mantras). Again, the 8-petalled lotus. On the petals, the 8-lettered Narayana mantra. OM namo Narayanaya On the face of each petal shri bija. Then the first round. Then the 12-petalled. On them, the 12-lettered Vasudeva mantra. (OM namo bhagavate vasudevaya) As well as on their fronts, in all directions. In a circular manner. On the petals hum phat with the 12-lettered Rama mantra – (OM namo bhagavate ramachandraya .) On the front of the petal, Maya bija (kiiM). On the front of each in two circles – hram, sram, bhram, bram, bhramam, shrum, jram. Then in a circle. Thereafter, the 32-petalled. On them, the king of mantra-s – Nrisimha anushtubh. On front of these, the 8 vasu-s, 11 rudra-s, 12 aditya mantra-s, along with OM and namo, in sequence, in dative case. Outside and surrounding is vashat. Then the Bhupura of three lines. In 12 directions, adorned with the rashi-s (Zodiac signs). Abiding there the 8 naga-s (serpents). In the 4 directions, the Narasimha bija. In the intermediate directions, the Varaha bija. This all-encompassing yantra fulfills all wishes and grants liberation. Beginning with the 1–lettered and ending with the 9-lettered (mantra-s), this is the yantra and the tenth becomes the avarana (covering for it). One should worship Raghava, with ‘anga-nyasa’, in the center of the hexagon. In the first round, the anga-nyasa is done at all the corners. At the root of the 8 petals, the initial cover of oneself. Then the covering by Vasudeva and others. At the base of the second 8-petals, the ‘cow covering’. Then covers of Hanuman and other. For the 12-petalled, Vasishtha covering. For the 16-petalled, the blue lotus covering. For the 32-petalled, Dhruva covering. In the Bhupura, Indra covering. Outside this is the vajra covering. Offering thus, one should silently chant. Now, the altar is described for the mantras starting with 10 syllables and ending with 32 syllables. First the hexagon. In its center the name of the ‘ishta’. Thus surrounded by Kama bija. The remaining nine surround this. At the six corners, the 6-fold anga-nyasa, in the front and back of the intermediate directions (S-E, N-E, N-W, S-W). On the face, the Shri-Maya (bija) In the corners, krodha. Then the first round. Then the 8-petals; on the petals, garlands of syllables, in multiples of 6. In a circular manner. Surrounding this, in all directions. Outside this the Bhupura, with 8 spear-points. In all directions, Narasimha and Varaha. This is the Great Yantra. Adhara-shakti (basic power) is the seat of Vishnu’s worship. The first round is of anga-nyasa. In the center, Rama. On the left, Sita. In their front, the bow and the arrow. At the base of the 8 petals, two avarana-s of Hanuman. The third avarana of cow. Fourth of Indra. Fifth of Vajra. Thus worshipping the yantra with devotion, one should recite the 10-lettered and other mantra-s. Thus ends the Third Chapter of Rama-Rahasya Upanishad. Fourth Chapter Sanaka and other ascetics asked Hanuman: ”Describe the ritual for recitation of Rama mantras.“ Hanuman replied, “The one who intends to recite this mantra should follow the following procedures: 1. He should bathe thrice a day. 2. He should take only sathvic foods like milk, roots, fruits or naivedya (rice pudding offered to the God) 3. He should follow the prescribed Karmas of the stage of his life (Brahmachari, Grahastha, Vanaprastha or Sanyasi) 4. He should give up the six negative emotions like anger, jealousy etc. 5. He should observe purity and practice dispassionate speech. 6. He should also observe dispassionate action and show respect to all women. 7. He should observe celibacy and sleep on the bare ground. 8. He should not have any desires. 9. He should be devoted to his teacher. 10. He should scrupulously observe bath, worship, recitation, meditation and oblation to the fire. 11. He should meditate with utmost concentration on Rama as instructed by his teacher. 12. He should invoke the sun, moon, Teacher, lamp, cow, Brahmin, etc. 13. The ascetic doing this japa should sit on a tiger skin and adopt postures prescribed like the Swasthikasana in rotating sequence. 14. He should seat himself below plants like Thulasi or trees like Parijata, Bilwa etc. 15. He should count using a rosary whose beads are either made of thulasi plant or use rudraksha. 16. The counting should be done mentally using the beads and should be one hundred thousand times at the altar of Maha Vishnu. 17. Tharpana should be offered after every ten total count. After ten counts offer rice pudding, pour over it clarified butter made from cow’s milk and eat what remains after the next tenth portion. 18. After this along with chanting flowers have to be offered along with the chanting of moola mantra,. The ascetic who does this japa becomes liberated in life and the supernatural powers follow him like a bride follows her groom. This Rama-mantra is not only a means to liberation, but if you remember me who am Rama’s servant, it will ensure success in these worldly affairs too. To the one who for ever remembers Rama with total devotion as the final refuge of the mind, I am empowered to fulfill all their chosen wishes. Towards the task of fulfillment of the wishes of the devotees of Rama, I – as an expert in carrying out Rama’s commands – am always wholly alert. Thus ends the Fourth Chapter of Rama-rahasya Upanishad. Fifth Chapter Conclusion Sanaka and other ascetics asked Hanuman: “ Tell us the meaning of Sri Rama mantra”. Hanuman replied: “Among the Rama mantras the 6-lettered is the king among them all; though as mentioned earlier they exist as one-, or two-, or three, or four, or five syllables or even as six-, or seven-, or eight, or even as many more syllables. Lord Shiva knows in essence the glory of the six-syllables (mantra); shri Ramah sharanam mama! . The true meaning of the king among the Rama mantras, as well as of the eight-lettered Narayana and five-lettered Shiva mantras, is spoken of as thus: Where yogi-s revel in the 2 syllable mantra viz. ‘Ra ma’ where the ra syllable denotes fire wherein abides illumination. Its nature as Existence-Consciousness-Bliss is regarded as the supreme meaning, the consonant denoting the unchanging Brahman, and the syllable the energy of manifestation. Know that Consonants joined to Syllables are used in breathing; the sound ‘r’, of the nature of light, is therefore used in action. The sound ‘ma’, is known as ‘maya’ indicating prosperity; being itself the seed-letter (bijakshara) is also equal to Brahman itself. With the ‘bindu’ (anusvara), the Purusha takes on the form of Shiva-Sun-Moon, the flame as the crest, and the sound as the Prakriti. Both Purusha and Prakriti jointly are considered as Brahman; the bindu, sound and the indwelling seed-letter as Fire and digits of the Moon. Fire and OM by their very nature abide in the seed-syllables of Rama, just as the great tree in the mundane life is contained in its seed. Similarly, in the seed-syllables Rama, is contained this whole moving and unmoving world. The name Rama is thus regarded as the seed with both these meanings. When freed of the Maya-seed (kiim), the Supreme Spirit is said to exist (alone). This grants liberation to aspirants, and the ‘ma’ sound is regarded as the liberator. Formless ‘ma’ in Rama is the grantor of enjoyment and liberation.The first letter ‘ra’ stands for the term ‘tat’ (That), and ‘ma’ stands for the term ‘tvam’ (You). The wise knower of Truth declare that the confluence of the above two terms end in the meaning ‘asi’ (Are). The word ‘namah’ has the meaning of tvam (you) and tat is denoted by the word Rama. When used in the dative case (Ramaya), the meaning asi (are) is indicated in the mantra. Wherefore, the sentence ‘tattvamasi’ grants the unitive salvation. Therefore, this (mantra) giver of enjoyment and liberation surpasses the afore-said sentence (tattvamasi). All embodied human beings are qualified for this mantra. For those desiring liberation, the dispassionate ones, as well as house-holders and in all stages of life, constant meditation of OM, and especially for ascetics, is enjoined; for the knower of the meaning of Rama-mantra doubtless become liberated while alive. One who studies this Upanishad becomes sanctified by fire, purified by air, is freed from the sin of consuming intoxicants or of theft of gold or of the slaying of a Brahmin. One who recites the Rama-mantra repeatedly merges in Ramachandra himself. Therefore, this sacred hymn: Those whoever say “I am Rama in essence”, will not feel any want in this life, and without a doubt is Rama Himself”. This is the Truth. This is the Upanishad. Om ! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious; May we see with our eyes what is auspicious, O ye worthy of worship ! May we enjoy the term of life allotted by the Devas, Praising them with our body and limbs steady ! May the glorious Indra bless us ! May the all-knowing Sun bless us ! May Garuda, the thunderbolt for evil, bless us ! May Brihaspati grant us well-being ! Om ! Let there be Peace in me ! Let there be Peace in my environment ! Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me ! Here ends the Rama-Rahasyopanishad, as contained in the Atharva-Veda.
kaivalyaśrīsvarūpeṇa rājamānaṃ maho'vyayam । pratiyogivinirmuktaṃ śrīrāmapadamāśraye ॥ oṃ bhadraṃ karṇebhiḥ śruṇuyāma devāḥ । bhadraṃ paśyemākṣabhiryajatrāḥ । sthirairaṅgaistuṣṭuvām̐sastanūbhiḥ । vyaśema devahitaṃ yadāyuḥ ॥ svasti na indro vṛddhaśravāḥ । svasti naḥ pūṣā viśvavedāḥ । svasti nastārkṣyo ariṣṭanemiḥ । svasti no bṛhaspatirdadhātu ॥ oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ॥ oṃ rahasyaṃ ramatapataṃ vāsudevaṃ ca mudgalam । śāṇḍilyaṃ paiṅgalaṃ bhikṣuṃ mahacchārīrakaṃ śikhā ॥ 1॥ sanakādyā yogivaryā anye ca ṛṣayastathā । prahlādādyā viṣṇubhaktā hanūmantamathābruvan ॥ 2॥ vāyuputra mahābāho kiṃtattvaṃ brahmavādinām । purāṇeṣvaṣṭādaśasu smṛtiṣvaṣṭādaśasvapi ॥ 3॥ caturvedeṣu śāstreṣu vidyāsvādhyātmike'pi ca । sarveṣu vidyādāneṣu vighnasūryeśaśaktiṣu । eteṣu madhye kiṃ tattvaṃ kathaya tvaṃ mahābala ॥ 4॥ hanūmānhovāca ॥ bho yogīndrāścaiva ṛṣayo viṣṇubhaktāstathaiva ca । śruṇudhvaṃ māmakīṃ vācaṃ bhavabandhavināśinīm ॥ 5॥ eteṣu caiva sarveṣu tattvaṃ ca brahma tārakam । rāma eva paraṃ brahma tattvaṃ śrīrāmo brahma tārakam ॥ 6॥ vāyuptreṇoktāste yogīndrā ṛṣayo viṣṇubhaktā hanūmantaṃ papracchuḥ rāmasyāṅgāni no brūhīti । hanūmānhovāca । vāyuputraṃ vighneśaṃ vāṇīṃ durgāṃ kṣetrapālakaṃ sūryaṃ candraṃ nārāyaṇaṃ nārasiṃhaṃ vāyudevaṃ vārāhaṃ tatsarvāntsamātrāntsītaṃ lakṣmaṇaṃ śatrughnaṃ bharataṃ vibhīṣaṇaṃ sugrīvamaṅgadaṃ jāmbavantaṃ praṇavametāni rāmasyāṅgāni jānīthāḥ । tānyaṅgāni vinā rāmo vighnakaro bhavati । punarvāyuputreṇoktāste hanūmantaṃ papracchuḥ । āñjaneya mahābala viprāṇāṃ gṛhasthānāṃ praṇavādhikāraḥ kathaṃ syāditi । sa hovāca śrīrāma evovāceti । yeṣāmeva ṣaḍakṣarādhikāro vartate teṣāṃ praṇavādhikāraḥ syānnānyeṣām । kevalamakārokāramakārārdhamātrāsahitaṃ praṇavamūhya yo rāmamantraṃ japati tasya śubhakaro'haṃ syām । tasya praṇavasthākārasyokārasya makarāsyārdhamātrāyāśca ṛṣiśchando devatā tattadvarṇāvarṇāvasthānaṃ svaravedāgniguṇānuccāryānvahaṃ praṇavamantraddviguṇaṃ japtvā paścādrāmamantraṃ yo japet sa rāmo bhavatīti rāmeṇoktāstasmādrāmāṅgaṃ praṇavaḥ kathita iti ॥ vibhīṣaṇa uvāca ॥ siṃhāsane samāsīnaṃ rāmaṃ paulastyasūdanam । praṇamya daṇḍavadbhūmau paulastyo vākyamabravīt । । 7॥ raghunātha mahābāho kevalaṃ kathitaṃ tvayā । aṅgānāṃ sulabhaṃ caiva kathanīyaṃ ca saulabham ॥ 8॥ śrīrāma uvāca । atha pañca daṇḍakāni pitṛghno mātṛghno brahmaghno guruhananaḥ koṭiyatighno'nekakṛtapāpo yo mama ṣaṇṇavatikoṭināmāni japati sa tebhyaḥ pāpebhyaḥ pramucyate । svayameva saccidānandasvarūpo bhavenna kim । punaruvāca vibhīṣaṇaḥ । tatrāpya śakto'yaṃ kiṃ karoti । sa hovācemam । kaikaseya puraścaraṇavidhāvaśakto yo mama mahopaniṣadaṃ mama gītāṃ mannāmasahasraṃ madviśvarūpaṃ mamāṣṭottaraśataṃ rāmaśatābhidhānaṃ nāradoktastavarājaṃ hanūmatproktaṃ mantrarājātmakastavaṃ sītāstavaṃ ca rāmaṣaḍakṣarītyādibhirmantrairyo māṃ nityaṃ stauti tatsadṛśo bhavenna kiṃ bhavenna kim ॥ iti prathamo'dhyāyaḥ ॥ 1॥ sanakādyā munayo hanūmantaṃ papracchuḥ । āñjaneya mahābala tārakabrahmaṇo rāmacandrasya mantragrāmaṃ no brūhīti । hanūmānhovāca । vahnisthaṃ śayanaṃ viṣṇorardhacandravibhūṣitam । ekākṣaro manuḥ prokto mantrarājaḥ suradrumaḥ ॥ 1॥ brahmā muniḥ syādgāyatraṃ chando rāmasya devatā । dīrghārdhenduyujāṅgāni kuryādvahnyātmano manoḥ ॥ 2॥ bījaśaktyādi bījena iṣṭārthe viniyojayet । sarayūtīramandāravedikāpañkajāsane ॥ 3॥ śyāmaṃ virāsanāsīnaṃ jñānamudropaśobhitam । vāmorunyastataddhastaṃ sītālakṣmaṇasaṃyutam ॥ 4॥ avekṣamāṇamātmānamātmanyamitatejasam । śuddhasphaṭikasaṃkāśaṃ kevalaṃ mokṣakāṅkṣayā ॥ 5॥ cintayanparamātmānaṃ bhānulakṣaṃ japenmanum । vahnirnārāyaṇo nāḍyo jāṭharaḥ kevalo'pi ca ॥ 6॥ dvyakṣaro mantrarājo'yaṃ sarvābhīṣṭapradastataḥ । ekākṣaroktamṛṣyādi syādādyena ṣaḍaṅgakam ॥ 7॥ tāramāyāramānaṅgavāksvabījaiśca ṣaḍvidhaḥ , tryakṣaro mantrarājaḥ syātsarvābhīṣṭaphalapradaḥ ॥ 8॥ dvyakṣaraścandrabhadrānto dvividhaścaturakṣaraḥ । ṛṣyādi pūrvavajjñeyametayośca vicakṣaṇaiḥ ॥ 9॥ sapratiṣṭhau ramau vāyau hṛtpañcārṇo manurmataḥ । viśvāmitraṛṣiḥ proktaḥ paṅktiśchando'sya devatā ॥10॥ rāmabhadro bījaśaktiḥ prathamārṇamiti kramāt । bhrūmadhye hṛdi nābhyūrvoḥ pādayorvinyasenmanum ॥ 11॥ ṣaḍaṅgaṃ pūrvavadvidyānmantrārṇairmanunāstrakam । madhye vanaṃ kalpatarormūle puṣpalatāsane ॥ 12॥ lakṣmaṇena praguṇitamakṣṇaḥ koṇena sāyakam । avekṣamāṇaṃ jānakyā kṛtavyajanamīśvaram ॥ 13॥ jaṭābhāralasacchīrṣaṃ śyāmaṃ munigaṇāvṛtam । lakṣmaṇena dhṛtacchatramathavā puṣpakopari ॥ 14॥ daśāasyamathanaṃ śāntaṃ sasugrīvavibhīṣaṇam । evaṃ labdhvā jayārthī tu varṇalakṣaṃ japenmanum ॥ 15॥ svakāmaśaktivāglakṣmīstavādyāḥ pañcavarṇakāḥ । ṣaḍakṣaraḥ ṣaḍvidhaḥ syāccaturvargaphalapradaḥ ॥ 16॥ pañcāśanmātṛkāmantravarṇapratyekapūrvakam । lakṣmīvāṅmanmathādiśca tārādiḥ syādanekadhā ॥ 17॥ śrīmāyāmanmathaikaika bījādyantargato manuḥ । caturvarṇaḥ sa eva syātṣaḍvarṇo vāñchitapradaḥ ॥ 18॥ svāhānto huṃphaḍanto vā natyanto vā bhavedayam । aṣṭāviṃśatyuttaraśatabhedaḥ ṣaḍvarṇa īritaḥ ॥ 19॥ brahmā saṃmohanaḥ śaktirdakṣiṇāmūrtireva ca । agastyaśca śivaḥ proktā munayo'kramādime ॥ 20॥ chando gāyatrasaṃjñaṃ ca śrīrāmaścaiva devatā । athavā kāmabījāderviśvāmitro munirmanoḥ ॥ 21॥ chando devyādigāyatrī rāmabhadro'sya devatā । bījaśaktī yathāpūrvaṃ ṣaḍvarṇānvinyasetkramāt ॥ 22॥ brahmarandhre bhruvormadhye hṛnnābhyūruṣu pādayoḥ । bījaiḥ ṣaḍdīrghayuktairvā mantrārṇaivā ṣaḍaṅgakam ॥ 23॥ kālābhodharakāntikāntamaniśaṃ vīrāsanādhyāsitaṃ mudrāṃ jñānamayīṃ dadhānamaparaṃ hastāṃbujaṃ jānuni । sītāṃ pārśvagatāṃ saroruhakarāṃ vidyunnibhāṃ rāghavaṃ paśyantaṃ mukuṭāṅgadādivividhākalpojjvalāṅgaṃ bhaje ॥ 24॥ śrīrāmaścandrabhadrānto ṅento natiyuto dvidhā । saptākṣaro mantrarājaḥ sarvakāmaphalapradaḥ ॥ 25॥ tārādisahitaḥ so'pi dvividho'ṣṭākṣaro mataḥ । tāraṃ rāmaścaturthyataḥ kroḍāstraṃ vahnitalpagā ॥ 26॥ aṣṭārṇo'yaṃ paro mantro ṛṣyādiḥ syātṣaḍarṇavat । punaraṣṭākṣarasyātha rāma eva ṛṣiḥ smṛtaḥ ॥ 27॥ gāyatraṃ chanda ityasya devatā rāma eva ca । tāraṃ śrībījayugmaṃ ca bījaśaktyādayo matāḥ ॥ 28॥ ṣaḍaṅgaṃ ca tataḥ kuryānmantrārṇaireva buddhimān । tāraṃ śrībījayugmaṃ ca rāmāya nama uccaret ॥ 29॥ glauṃmoṃ bījaṃ vadenmāyāṃ hṛdrāmāya punaśca tām । śivomārāmamantro'yaṃ vasvarṇastu vasupradaḥ ॥ 30॥ ṛṣiḥ sadāśivaḥ prokto gāyatraṃ chanda ucyate । śivomārāmacandro'tra devatā parikīrtitaḥ ॥ 31॥ dīrghayā māyayāṅgāni tārapañcārṇayuktayā । rāmaṃ trinetraṃ somārdhadhāriṇaṃ śūlinaṃ param । bhasmoddhūlitasarvāṅgaṃ kapardinamupāsmahe ॥ 32॥ rāmābhirāmāṃ saundaryasīmāṃ somāvataṃsikām । pāśāṅkuśadhanurbāṇadharāṃ dhyāyettrilocanām ॥ 33॥ dhyāyannevaṃ varṇalakṣaṃ japatarpaṇatatparaḥ । bilvapatraiḥ phalaiḥ puṣpaistilājyaiḥ paṅkajairhunet ॥ 34॥ svayamāyānti nidhayaḥ siddhayaśca surepsitāḥ । punaraṣṭākṣarasyātha brahmagāyatra rāghavāḥ ॥ 35॥ ṛṣyādayastu vijñeyāḥ śrībījaṃ mama śaktikam । tatprītyai viniyogaśca mantrārṇairaṅgakalpanā ॥ 36॥ keyūrāṅgadakaṅkaṇairmaṇigatairvidyotamānaṃ sadā rāmaṃ pārvaṇacandrakoṭisadṛśacchatreṇa vai rājitam । hemastambhasahasraṣoḍaśayute madhye mahāmaṇḍape deveśaṃ bharatādibhiḥ parivṛtaṃ rāmaṃ bhaje śyāmalam ॥ 37॥ kiṃ mantrairbahubhirvinaśvaraphalairāyāsasādhyairvṛtā kiṃcillobhavitānamātraviphalaiḥ saṃsāraduḥkhāvahaiḥ । ekaḥ sannapi sarvamantraphalado lobhādidoṣojjhitaḥ śrīrāmaḥ śaraṇaṃ mameti satataṃ mantro'yamaṣṭākṣaraḥ ॥ 38॥ evamaṣṭākṣaraḥ samyak saptadhā parikīrtitaḥ । rāmasaptākṣaro mantra ādyante tārasaṃyutaḥ ॥ 39॥ navārṇo mantrarājaḥ syāccheṣaṃ ṣaḍvarṇavannyaset । jānakīvallabhaṃ ṅentaṃ vahnerjāyāhumādikam ॥ 40॥ daśākṣaro'yaṃ mantraḥ syātsarvābhīṣṭaphalapradaḥ । daśākṣarasya mantrasya vasiṣṭho'sya ṛṣirvirāṭ ॥ 41॥ chando'sya devatā rāmaḥ sītāpāṇiparigrahaḥ । ādyo bījaṃ dviṭhaḥ śaktiḥ kāmenāṅgakriyā matā ॥ 42॥ śirolalāṭabhrūmadhye tālukarṇeṣu hṛdyapi । nābhūrujānupādeṣu daśārṇānvinyasenmanoḥ ॥ 43॥ ayodhyānagare ratnacitre sauvarṇamaṇḍape । mandārapuṣpairābaddhavitāne toraṇāñcite ॥ 44॥ siṃhāsane samāsīnaṃ puṣpakopari rāghavam । rakṣobhirharibhirdevairdivyayānagataiḥ śubhaiḥ ॥ 45॥ saṃstūyamānaṃ munibhiḥ prahvaiśca parisevitam । sītālaṅkṛtavāmāṅgaṃ lakṣmaṇenopasevitam ॥46॥ śyāmaṃ prasannavadanaṃ sarvābharaṇabhūṣitam । dhyāyannevaṃ japenmantraṃ varṇalakṣamananyadhīḥ ॥ 47॥ rāmaṃ ṅentaṃ dhanuṣpāṇaye'ntaḥ syādvahnisundarī । daśākṣaro'yaṃ mantraḥ syānmunirbrahmā virāṭ smṛtaḥ ॥ 48॥ chandastu devatā prokto rāmo rākṣasamardanaḥ । śeṣaṃ tu pūrvavatkuryāccāpabāṇadharaṃ smaret ॥ 49॥ tāramāyāramānaṅgavāksvabījaiśca ṣaḍvidhaḥ । daśārṇo mantrarājaḥ syādrudravarṇātmako manuḥ ॥ 50॥ śeṣaṃ ṣaḍarṇavajjñeyaṃ nyāsadhyānādikaṃ budhaiḥ । dvādaśākṣaramantrasya śrīrāma ṛṣirucyate ॥ 51॥ jagatī chanda ityuktaṃ śrīrāmo devatā mataḥ । praṇavo bījamityuktaḥ klīṃ śaktirhrīṃ ca kīlakam ॥ 52॥ mantreṇāṅgāni vinyasya śiṣṭaṃ pūrvavadācaret । tāraṃ māyāṃ samuccārya bharatāgraja ityapi ॥ 53॥ rāmaṃ klīṃ vahnijāyāntaṃ mantroyaṃ dvādaśākṣaraḥ । oṃ hṛdbhagavate rāmacandrabhadrau ca ṅeyutau ॥ 54॥ arkārṇo dvividho'pyasya ṛṣidhyānādipūrvavat । chandastu jagatī caiva mantrārṇairaṅgakalpanā ॥ 55॥ śrīrāmeti padaṃ coktvā jayarāma tataḥ param । jayadvayaṃ vadetprājño rāmeti manurājakaḥ ॥ 56॥ trayodaśārṇa ṛṣyādi pūrvavatsarvakāmadaḥ । padadvayadvirāvṛtteraṅgaṃ dhyānaṃ daśārṇavat ॥ 57॥ tārādisahitaḥ so'pi sa caturdaśavarṇakaḥ । trayodaśārṇamuccārya paścādrāmeti yojayet ॥ 58॥ sa vai pañcadaśārṇastu japatāṃ kalpabhūruhaḥ । namaśca sītāpataye rāmāyeti hanadvayam ॥ 59॥ tatastu kavacāstrāntaḥ ṣoḍaśākṣara īritaḥ । tasyāgastyaṛṣiśchando bṛhatī devatā ca saḥ ॥ 60॥ rāṃ bījaṃ śaktirastraṃ ca kīlakaṃ humitīritam । dvipañcatricaturvarṇaiḥ sarvairaṅgaṃ nyasetkramāt ॥ 61॥ tārādisahitaḥ so'pi mantraḥ saptadaśākṣaraḥ । tāraṃ namo bhagavate rāṃ ṅentaṃ mahā tataḥ ॥ 62॥ puruṣāya padaṃ paścāddhṛdanto'ṣṭadaśākṣaraḥ । viśvāmitro muniśchando gāyatraṃ devatā ca saḥ ॥ 63॥ kāmādisahitaḥ so'pi mantra ekonaviṃśakaḥ । tāraṃ nāmo bhagavate rāmāyeti padaṃ vadet ॥ 64॥ sarvaśabdaṃ samuccārya saubhāgyaṃ dehi me vadet । vahnijāyāṃ tathoccārya mantro viṃśārṇako mataḥ ॥ 65॥ tāraṃ namo bhagavate rāmāya sakalaṃ vadet । āpannivāraṇāyeti vahnijāyāṃ tato vadet ॥ 66॥ ekaviṃśārṇako mantraḥ sarvābhīṣṭaphalapradaḥ । tāraṃ ramā svabījaṃ ca tato dāśarathāya ca ॥ 67॥ tataḥ sītāvallabhāya sarvābhīṣṭapadaṃ vadet । tato dāya hṛdanto'yaṃ mantro dvāviṃśadakṣaraḥ ॥ 68॥ tāraṃ namo bhagavate vīrarāmāya saṃvadet । kala śatrūn hana dvandvaṃ vahnijāyāṃ tato vadet ॥ 69॥ trayoviṃśākṣaromantraḥ sarvaśatrunibarhaṇaḥ । viśvāmitro muniḥ prokto gāyatrīchanda ucyate ॥ 70॥ devatā vīrarāmo'sau bījādyāḥ pūrvavanmatāḥ । mūlamantravibhāgena nyāsānkṛtvā vicakṣaṇaḥ ॥ 71॥ śaraṃ dhanuṣi sandhāya tiṣṭhantaṃ rāvaṇonmukham । vajrapāṇiṃ rathārūḍhaṃ rāmaṃ dhyātvā japenmanum ॥ 72॥ tāraṃ namo bhagavate śrīrāmāya padaṃ vadet । tārakabrahmaṇe coktvā māṃ tāraya padaṃ vadet ॥ 73॥ namastārātmako mantraścaturviṃśatimantrakaḥ । bījādikaṃ yathā pūrvaṃ sarvaṃ kuryātṣaḍarṇavat ॥ 74॥ kāmastāro natiścaiva tato bhagavatepadam । rāmacandrāya coccārya sakaleti padaṃ vadet ॥ 75॥ janavaśyakarāyeti svāhā kāmātmako manuḥ । sarvavaśyakaro mantraḥ pañcaviṃśativarṇakaḥ ॥ 76॥ ādau tāreṇa saṃyukto mantraḥ ṣaḍviṃśadakṣaraḥ । ante'pi tārasaṃyuktaḥ saptaviṃśativarṇakaḥ ॥ 77॥ tāraṃ namo bhagavate rakṣoghnaviśadāya ca । sarvavighnāntsamuccārya nivāraya padadvayam ॥ 78॥ svāhānto mantrarājo'yamaṣṭāviṃśativarṇakaḥ । ante tāreṇa saṃyukta ekonatriṃśadakṣaraḥ ॥ 79॥ ādau svabījasaṃyuktastriṃśadvarṇātmako manuḥ । ante'pi tena saṃyukta ekatriṃśātmakaḥ smṛtaḥ ॥ 80॥ rāmabhadra maheśvāsa raghuvīra nṛpottama । bho daśāsyāntakāsmākaṃ śriyaṃ dāpaya dehi me ॥ 81॥ ānuṣṭubha ṛṣī rāmaśchando'nuṣṭupsa devatā । rāṃ bījamasya yaṃ śaktiriṣṭārthe viniyojayet ॥ 82॥ pādaṃ hṛdi ca vinyasya pādaṃ śirasi vinyaset । śikhāyāṃ pañcabhirnyasya trivarṇaiḥ kavacaṃ nyaset ॥ 83॥ netrayoḥ pañcavarṇaiśca dāpayetyastramucyate । cāpabāṇadharaṃ śyāmaṃ sasugrīvabibhīṣaṇam ॥ 84॥ hatvā rāvaṇamāyāntaṃ kṛtatrailokyarakṣaṇam । rāmacandraṃ hṛdi dhyātvā daśalakṣaṃ japenmanum ॥ 85॥ vadeddāśarathāyeti vidmaheti padaṃ tataḥ । sītāpadaṃ samuddhṛtya vallabhāya tato vadet ॥ 86॥ dhīmahīti vadettanno rāmaścāpi pracodayāt tārādireṣā gāyatrī muktimeva prayacchati ॥ 87॥ māyādirapi vaiduṣṭyaṃ rāmādiśca śriyaḥpadam । madanenāpi saṃyuktaḥ sa mohayati medinīm ॥ 88॥ pañca trīṇi ṣaḍarṇaiśca trīṇi catvāri varṇakaiḥ । catvāri ca caturvarṇairaṅganyāsaṃ prakalpayet ॥ 89॥ bījadhyānādikaṃ sarvaṃ kuryātṣaḍvarṇavatkramāt । tāraṃ namo bhagavate caturthyā raghunandanam ॥ 90॥ rakṣoghnaviśadaṃ tadvanmadhureti vadettataḥ । prasannavadanaṃ ṅentaṃ vadedamitatejase ॥ 91॥ balarāmau caturthyantau viṣṇuṃ ṅentaṃ natistataḥ । prokto mālāmanuḥ saptacatvāriṃśadbhirakṣaraiḥ ॥ 92॥ ṛṣiśchando devatādi brahmānuṣṭubharāghavāḥ । saptartusaptadaśa ṣaḍrudrasaṃkhyaiḥ ṣaḍaṅgakam ॥ 93॥ dhyānaṃ daśākṣaraṃ proktaṃ lakṣamekaṃ japenmanum । śriyaṃ sītāṃ caturthyantāṃ svāhānto'yaṃ ṣaḍakṣaraḥ ॥ 94॥ janako'sya ṛṣiśchando gāyatrī devatā manoḥ । sītā bhagavatī proktā śrīṃ bījaṃ natiśaktikam ॥ 95॥ kīlaṃ sītā caturthyantamiṣṭārthe viniyojayet । dīrghasvarayutādyena ṣaḍaṅgāni prakalpayet ॥ 96॥ svarṇābhāmambujakarāṃ rāmālokanatatparām । dhyāyetṣaṭkoṇamadhyastharāmāṅkopari śobhitām ॥ 97॥ lakāraṃ tu samuddhṛtya lakṣmaṇāya namontakaḥ । agastyaṛṣirasyātha gāyatraṃ chanda ucyate ॥ 98॥ lakṣmaṇo devatā prokto laṃ bījaṃ śaktirasya hi । namastu viniyogo hi puruṣārtha catuṣṭaye ॥ 99॥ dīrghabhājā svabījena ṣaḍaṅgāni prakalpayet । dvibhujaṃ svarṇaruciratanuṃ padmanibhekṣaṇam ॥ 100॥ dhanurbāṇadharaṃ devaṃ rāmārādhanatatparam । bhakāraṃ tu samuddhṛtya bharatāya namontakaḥ ॥ 101॥ agastyaṛṣirasyātha śeṣaṃ pūrvavadācaret । bharataṃ śyāmalaṃ śāntaṃ rāmasevāparāyaṇam ॥ 102॥ dhanurbāṇadharaṃ vīraṃ kaikeyītanayaṃ bhaje । śaṃ bījaṃ tu samuddhṛtya śatrughnāya namontakaḥ । ṛṣyādayo yathāpūrvaṃ viniyogo'rinigrahe ॥ 103॥ dvibhujaṃ svarṇavarṇābhaṃ rāmasevāparāyaṇam । lavaṇāsurahantāraṃ sumitrātanayaṃ bhaje ॥ 104॥ hṛṃ hanumāṃścaturthyantaṃ hṛdanto mantrarājakaḥ । rāmacandra ṛṣiḥ prokto yojayetpūrvavatkramāt ॥ 105॥ dvibhujaṃ svarṇavarṇābhaṃ rāmasevāparāyaṇam । mauñjīkaupīnasahitaṃ māṃ dhyāyedrāmasevakam ॥ iti॥ 106॥ iti ramarahasyopaniṣadi dvitīyo'dhyāyaḥ ॥ 2॥ sanakādyā munayo hanūmantaṃ papracchuḥ । āñjaneya mahābala pūrvoktamantrāṇāṃ pūjāpīṭhamanubrūhīti । hanumān hovāca । ādau ṣaṭkoṇam । tanmadhye rāmabījaṃ saśrīkam । tadadhobhāge dvitīyāntaṃ sādhyam । bījordhvabhāge ṣaṣṭhyantaṃ sādhakam । pārśve dṛṣṭibīje tatparito jīvaprāṇaśaktivaśyabījāni । tatsarvaṃ sanmukhonmukhābhyāṃ praṇavābhyāṃ veṣṭanam । agnīśāsuravāyavyapuraḥpṛṣṭheṣu ṣaṭkoṇeṣu dīrghabhāñji । hṛdayādimantrāḥ krameṇa । rāṃ rīṃ rūṃ raiṃ rauṃ raḥ iti dīrghabhāji tadyuktahṛdayādyastrāntam । ṣaṭkoṇapārśve ramāmāyābīje । koṇāgre vārāhaṃ humiti । tadbījāntarāle kāmabījam । parito vāgbhavam । tato vṛttatrayaṃ sāṣṭapatram । teṣu daleṣu svarānaṣṭavargānpratidalaṃ mālāmanuvarṇaṣaṭkam । ante pañcākṣaram । taddalakapoleṣvaṣṭavarṇān । punaraṣṭadalapadmam । teṣu daleṣu nārāyaṇāṣṭākṣaro mantraḥ । taddalakapoleṣu śrībījam । tato vṛttam । tato dvādaśadalam । teṣu daleṣu vāsudevadvādaśākṣaro mantraḥ । taddalakapoleṣvādikṣāntān । tato vṛttam । tataḥ ṣoḍaśadalam । teṣu daleṣu huṃ phaṭ natisahitarāmadvādaśākṣaram । taddalakapoleṣu māyābījam । sarvatra pratikapolaṃ dvirāvṛttyā hraṃ sraṃ bhraṃ braṃ bhramaṃ śruṃ jram । tato vṛttam । tato dvātriṃśaddalapadmam । teṣu daleṣu nṛsiṃhamantrarājānuṣṭubhamanraḥ । taddalakapoleśvaṣṭava- svekādaśarudradvādaśādityamantrāḥ praṇavādinamontā- ścaturthyantāḥ krameṇa । tadbahirvaṣaṭkāraṃ paritaḥ । tato rekhātrayayuktaṃ bhūpuram । dvādaśadikṣu rāśyādibhūṣitam । aṣṭanāgairadhiṣṭhitam । caturdikṣu nārasiṃhabījam । vidikṣu vārāhabījam । etatsarvātmakaṃ yantraṃ sarvakāmapradaṃ mokṣapradaṃ ca । ekākṣarādinavākṣarāntānāmetadyantraṃ bhavati । taddaśāvaraṇātmakaṃ bhavati । ṣaṭkoṇamadhye sāṅgaṃ rāghavaṃ yajet । ṣaṭkoṇeṣvaṅgaiḥ prathamā vṛtiḥ । aṣṭadalamūle ātmādyāvaraṇam । tadagre vāsudevādyāvaraṇam । dvitīyāṣṭadalamūle ghṛṣṭādyāvaraṇam । tadagre hanūmadādyāvaraṇam । dvādaśadaleṣu vasiṣṭhādyāvaraṇam । ṣoḍaśadaleśu nīlādyāvaraṇam । dvātriṃśaddaleṣu dhruvādyāvaraṇam । bhūpurāntarindrādyāvaraṇam । tadbahirvajrādyāvaraṇam । evamabhyarcya manuṃ japet ॥ atha daśākṣarādidvātriṃśadakṣarāntānāṃ mantrāṇāṃ pūjāpīṭhamucyate । ādau ṣaṭkoṇam । tanmadhye svabījam । tanmadhye sādhyanāmāni । evaṃ kāmabījaveṣṭanam । taṃ śiṣṭena navārṇena veṣṭanam । ṣaṭkoṇeṣu ṣaḍaṅgānyagnīśāsuravāyavyapūrvapṛṣṭheṣu । tatkapoleṣu śrīmāye । koṇāgre krodham । tato vṛttam । tato'ṣṭadalam । teṣu daleṣu ṣaṭsaṃkhyayā mālāmanuvarṇān । taddalakapoleṣu ṣoḍaśa svarāḥ । tato vṛttam । tatparita ādikṣāntam । tadbahirbhūpuram sāṣṭaśūlāgram । dikṣu vidikṣu nārasiṃhavārāhe । etanmahāyantram । ādhāraśaktyādivaiṣṇavapīṭham । aṅgaiḥ prathamā vṛtiḥ । madhye rāmam । vāmabhāge sītām । tatpurataḥ śārṅgaṃ śaraṃ ca । aṣṭadalamūle hanumadādidvitīyāvaraṇam । ghṛṣṭyāditṛtīyāvaraṇam । indrādibhiścaturthī । vajrādibhiḥ pañcamī । etadyantrārādhana- pūrvakaṃ daśākṣarādimantraṃ japet । ॥ iti rāmarahasyopaniṣadi tṛtīyo'dhyāyaḥ ॥ 3॥ sanakādyā munayo hanūmantaṃ papracchuḥ । śrīrāmamantrāṇāṃ puraścaraṇavidhimanubrūhīti । hanūmānhovāca । nityaṃ triṣavaṇasnāyī payomūlaphalādibhuk । athavā pāyasāhāro haviṣyānnāda eva vā ॥ 1॥ ṣaḍsaiśca parityaktaḥ svāśramoktavidhiṃ caran । vanitādiṣu vākkarmamanobhirniḥspṛhaḥ śuciḥ ॥ 2॥ bhūmiśāyī brahmacārī niṣkāmo gurubhaktimān । snānapūjājapadhyānahomatarpaṇatatparaḥ ॥ 3॥ gurūpadiṣṭamārgeṇa dhyāyanrāmamananyadhīḥ । sūryendugurudīpādigobrāhmaṇasamīpataḥ ॥ 4॥ śrīrāmasannidhau maunī mantrārthamanucintayan । vyāghracarmāsane sthitvā svastikādyāsanakramāt ॥ 5॥ tulasīpārijātaśrīvṛkṣamūlādikasthale । padmākṣatulasīkāṣṭharudrākṣakṛtamālayā ॥ 6॥ mātṛkāmālayā mantrī manasaiva manuṃ japet । abhyarcya vaiṣṇave pīṭhe japedakṣaralakṣakam ॥ 7॥ tarpayettaddaśāṃśena pāyasāttaddaśāṃśataḥ । juhuyādgoghṛtenaiva bhojayettaddaśāṃśataḥ ॥ 8॥ tataḥ puṣpāñjaliṃ mūlamantreṇa vidhivaccaret । tataḥ siddhamanurbhūtvā jīvanmukto bhavenmuniḥ ॥ 9॥ aṇimādirbhajatyenaṃ yūnaṃ varavadhūriva । aihikeṣu ca kāryeṣu mahāpatsu ca sarvadā ॥ 10॥ naiva yojyo rāmamantraḥ kevalaṃ mokṣasādhakaḥ । aihike samanuprāpte māṃ smaredrāmasevakam ॥ 11॥ yo rāmaṃ saṃsmarennityaṃ bhaktyā manuparāyaṇaḥ । tasyāhamiṣṭasaṃsiddhyai dīkṣito'smi munīśvarāḥ ॥ 12॥ vāñchitārthaṃ pradāsyāmi bhaktānāṃ rāghavasya tu । sarvathā jāgarūko'smi rāmakāryadhurandharaḥ ॥ 13॥ iti rāmarahasyopaniṣadi caturtho'dhyāyaḥ ॥ 4॥ sanakādyā munayo hanūmantaṃ papracchuḥ । śrīrāmamantrārthamanubrūhīti । hanūmānhovāca । sarveṣu rāmamantreṣu mantrarājaḥ ṣaḍakṣaraḥ । ekadhāya dvidhā tredhā caturdhā pañcadhā tathā ॥ 1॥ ṣaṭsaptadhāṣṭadhā caiva bahudhāyaṃ vyavasthitaḥ । ṣaḍakṣarasya māhātmyaṃ śivo jānāti tattvataḥ ॥ 2॥ śrīrāmamantrarājasya samyagartho'yamucyate । nārāyaṇāṣṭākṣare ca śivapañcākṣare tathā । sārthakārṇadvayaṃ rāmo ramante yatra yoginaḥ । rakāro vahnivacanaḥ prakāśaḥ paryavasyati ॥ 3॥ saccidānandarūpo'sya paramātmārtha ucyate । vyañjanaṃ niṣkalaṃ brahma prāṇo māyeti ca svaraḥ ॥ 4॥ vyañjanaiḥ svarasaṃyogaṃ viddhi tatprāṇayojanam । repho jyotirmaye tasmātkṛtamākarayojanam ॥ 5॥ makāro'bhyudayārthatvātsa māyeti ca kīrtyate । so'yaṃ bījaṃ svakaṃ yasmātsamāyaṃ brahma cocyate ॥ 6॥ sabinduḥ so'pi puruṣaḥ śivasūryendurūpavān । jyotistasya śikhā rūpaṃ nādaḥ saprakṛtirmataḥ ॥ 7॥ prakṛtiḥ puruṣaścobhau samāyādbrahmaṇaḥ smṛtau । bindunādātmakaṃ bījaṃ vahnisomakalātmakam ॥ 8॥ agnīṣomātmakaṃ rūpaṃ rāmabīje pratiṣṭhitam । yathaiva vaṭabījasthaḥ prākṛtaśca mahādrumaḥ ॥ 9॥ tathaiva rāmabījasthaṃ jagadetaccarācaram । bījoktamubhayārthatvaṃ rāmanāmani dṛśyate ॥ 10॥ bījaṃ māyāvinirmuktaṃ paraṃ brahmeti kīrtyate । muktidaṃ sādhakānāṃ ca makāro muktido mataḥ ॥ 11॥ mārūpatvādato rāmo bhuktimuktiphalapradaḥ । ādyo ra tatpadārthaḥ syānmakarastvaṃpadārthavān ॥ 12॥ tayoḥ saṃyojanamasītyarthe tattvavido viduḥ । namastvamartho vijñeyo rāmastatpadamucyate ॥ 13॥ asītyarthe caturthī syādevaṃ mantreṣu yojayet । tattvamasyādivākyaṃ tu kevalaṃ muktidaṃ yataḥ ॥ 14॥ bhuktimuktipradaṃ caitattasmādapyatiricyate । manuṣveteṣu sarveṣāmadhikāro'sti dehinām ॥ 15॥ mumukṣūṇāṃ viraktānāṃ tathā cāśramavāsinām । praṇavatvātsadā dhyeyo yatīnāṃ ca viśeṣataḥ । rāmamantrārthavijñānī jīvanmukto na saṃśayaḥ ॥ 16॥ ya imāmupaniṣadamadhīte so'gnipūto bhavati । sa vāyupūto bhavati । surāpānātpūto bhavati । svarṇasteyātpūto bhavati । brahmahatyāpūto bhavati । sa rāmamantrāṇāṃ kṛtapuraścaraṇo rāmacandro bhavati । tadetadṛcābhyuktam । sadā rāmo'hamasmīti tattvataḥ pravadanti ye । na te saṃsāriṇo nūnaṃ rāma eva na saṃśayaḥ ॥ oṃ satyamityupaniṣat ॥ oṃ bhadraṃ karṇebhiḥ śruṇuyāma devā bhadraṃ paśyemākṣabhiryajatrāḥ । sthirairaṅgaistuṣṭuvām̐sastanūbhirvyaśema devahitaṃ yadāyuḥ ॥ oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ॥ iti śrīramarahasyopaniṣatsamāptā ॥