Malathi Moorthy Being alone (which is not the same as being lonely) is not necessarily a situation to be avoided at all costs. In the Vedic perspective, it is not
॥ कैवल्योपनिषत् ॥ कैवल्योपनिषद्वेद्यं कैवल्यानन्दतुन्दिलम् । कैवल्य-गिरिजारामं स्व-मात्रं कलयेऽन्वहम् ॥ kaivalyopaniṣad-vedyaṃ kaivalyānanda-tundilam । kaivalya-girijārāmaṃ sva-mātraṃ kalaye’nvaham ॥ I contemplate daily upon the Pure Self, to be
By MICHAEL JAMES Michael James answers Carlos of a Spanish group of devotees of Ramana Maharshi, saying studying Advaita Vedanta before studying Ramana is not necessary. 29 March2020. Michael of